
What do you think is the biggest threat to the enviornment?

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  1. People.  The human population is greater than the food supply right now, and still growing.  The environment is being poisoned so badly by human activities that all other species are dying out except a few being sustained at our discretion.  Once we have killed every other living thing, we ourselves will die, as we cannot live without them.

  2. people:

    ~people cut down the rain forests

    ~people are polluting the oceans

    ~people hunt

    ~people hate animals like crocodiles and snakes and think they're evil because they've killed people when it's people who come into they're territory and people who are killing them to make leather and things that we don't need

  3. Nature in the long run. Over the many centuries of our earth, millions of species have come and gone due to the earth surface moving, climate changes, overpopulation, drought, disease, fires, etc. All long before man even was an influence. We may just be the next one. We will do what we can, but it may not be enough. If you don't believe in god, then we are just another species in the food chain, and nature doesn't care whether we live or not.

    Nature has no conscience and kills the masses with no regard as to geographic location, age, race, religion, s*x, or knowledge level. Only the strong survive.

  4. Humans


  6. The large and growing population. If there were only 1 billion people in the world, everyone could drive SUVs and there would still be less pollution than we have today.

  7. globalisation.  New world order. world government (these terms all mean the same thing.)

    globalisation or nwo is about corporatism.  It is about getting rid of all restrictions on corporations gaining of profit giving themselves rights over people and animals. What this means no restrictions on trade (otherwise your sued before the world trade organization for hindering trade) which includes using the cheapest fertilizer, pesticide, smelting practices, water usage with no regulation, cheapest methods of waste disposal, you can use your imagination here. No taxation or tariffs, no minimum wage laws, no social services or limited services, no regulation on work safety regulations (which they charge is hindering free trade).

    free reign to use whatever resource in the world they want and if you use government restrictions such as not logging a whole forest out but being selective they charge free trade violations. Or strip mining a whole mountain and not controling the serious erosion and pollution of neighboring streams and lakes, if you do you are denying them free trade. This is happening in west virginia as we speak.

    treaties are honored over laws, and the wto treaty the wto word is law.  if companies are required to put on labels such as where it came from how it was produced chemicals in it and if those labels cause people to buy less than they will sue the government of that particular country with free trade violations and will be required to make up the difference of the lost sales.

    See where this is headed? the wildlands project is designed to get property out of the private citizens hands give it to the government and then eventually handed over for nothing to the corporations to use.  of course they tell us it is to save the enviroment from man, but who will save it from the corporations when they harvest the resources in the supposed wildland project?  the expression there is gold in them there hills, rings true in many of the areas designated a wildlands project area.  there is oil gas and gold silver and other minerals, not to mention trees and such in the mountains of the western usa. But what to do about those pesky private property rights?


  8. People.

    Nature would just tick along nicely without people interfering by trying to make the earth how they like it, rather than how it is.

  9. MAN. Man is the greatest enviromental problem. Being the steward of the earth, man was given all the faculties to protect the earth. However, because of convenience and greed, man is doing otherwise.

    While man is the problem, man is the only creature that could provide solutions.

  10. Californians.

    Have you been there?

    Don't hate - I KNOW you're not ALL throwing your McGarbage out on the freeway.

  11. The human race, we as a whole take everything for granted. We litter, dont recycle, disregard wildlife, dont carpool in large cities

    Anarticia is depleting itself of the natural ice at 9 miles per 4 years due to global warming.

    The Outer Banks of North Carolina are losing the wild horses

    at an incredible rate there are only 120 est. left.

    The chin strap penguins are dying because they have to go farther out to sea to find the quill that they feast on.

    Its a rather sad outcome. More people need to be aware of what is taking place and at least make it a point to help benefit the planet instead of taking it for granted.

  12. al gore attempting to rescue his political legacy by using a problem of nature.  the source of the destruction was al being a knowing willing conspirator of the clinton..."legacy"

    - The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance

    - Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*

    - Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation

    - Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify

    - Most number of witnesses to die suddenly

    - First president sued for sexual harassment.

    - First president accused of rape.

    - First first lady to come under criminal investigation

    - Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case

    - First president to establish a legal defense fund.

    - First president to be held in contempt of court

    - Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions

    - Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad

    - First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court

  13. the yuppy Dlck heads who think they are to good to drink tap water. bottled water is the biggest cause for land fills pilling up.

  14. Human beings, Because we treat this planet like a junk yard. There are truly only a  handful of people that care what happens to our environment. the use of chemicals that destroy fresh air the Styrofoam that is used that does not biodegrade. It is because of humans that feel they have the right to throw garbage on the ground and leave it. The human race is it's own enemy to the environment.

  15. US

  16. In short PEOPLE

    It is not one thing but a collection of interrelated factors

    here is one DEFORESTATION

    but the super powers in this world are instrumental in doing it so we can forget about solutions ,as far as they are concerned it is a solution

    For what ,only a transient Alien could give me the answer.;...

    this is another and it is connected animal conservation.;...

    Drag netting another one;...


    Using dangerous chemicals in Agriculture;...



    Water shortage;...

    Here are some basic domestic guidelines .

    1. Avoid disposable in favor of reusable


    2. Avoid drying rags in a clothes dryer.

    3. Avoid power appliances when hand power works.

    4. Avoid highly processed foods.

    5. Avoid using styro foam—it can't be recycled.

    6. Avoid watering driveways and sidewalks.

    7. Be responsible and creative with leftover foods.

    8. Buy in bulk goods to reduce wasted packaging.

    9. Buy energy efficient electric appliances.

    10. Buy foods without additives.

    11. Buy foods without preservatives.

    12. Buy food and goods from sources you trust

    13. Buy large quantities to reduce shopping trips.

    14. Buy living Christmas trees.

    15. Buy locally grown food and produce.

    16. Buy organic, pesticide-free foods.

    17. Compost your food scraps.

    18. Discover and protect watersheds in your area,

    19. Don't burn trash or other smoky materials.

    20. Drain cooking grease onto paper bags, not paper towels.

    21. Drive a fuel-efficient car.

    22. Drive less: walk, bicycle, carpool and use public transportation.

    23. Eat foods low on the food chain; avoid meat.

    24. Eat more natural, nutritious foods.

    25. Educate elected representatives on ecology.

    26. Exercise regularly.

    27. Explore and learn about your bio region.

    28. Grow your own food, even a small amount.

    29. Hang dry some or all of your clothes.

    30. Heat your home less and wear warmer clothes.

    31. Heat your home more with renewable energies.

    32. Hold a potluck dinner to discuss local ecology.

    33. If you use a dishwasher, turn off the drying cycle.

    34. Install a water-conserving device in your toilets.

    35. Install a water-conserving shower head.

    36. Insulate your home to maximum efficiency.

    37. Invest for social responsibility as well as profit.

    38. Invest in solar power, where practical.

    39. Invest in well-made, long-lived clothing.

    40. Keep hazardous chemicals in safe containers.

    41. Keep appliance motors well adjusted for efficiency.

    42. Mend and repair rather than discard and replace.

    43. Oppose meddling in ecological balance.

    44. Oppose private development of special areas.

    45. Oppose roadside use of defoliants.

    46. Organize or join a neighborhood toy exchange.

    47. Pick up litter along streets and highways.

    48. Plant native trees and shrubs around your home.

    49. Plant trees throughout your community.

    50. Plant your living Christmas tree.

    51. Practice preventive health care.

    52. Practice responsible family planning.

    53. Prepare only as much food as will be eaten.

    54. Protect your favorite distinctive natural areas.

    55. Purchase goods in reusable/recyclable containers.

    56. Put a catalytic converter on your wood stove.

    57. Put toxic substances out of reach of children.

    58. Recycle aluminum.

    59. Recycle glass.

    60. Recycle newspaper.

    61. Recycle old clothes.

    62. Recycle plastic.

    63. Recycle used motor oil.

    64. Recycle your unneeded items.

    65. Re-use paper bags.

    66. Re-use plastic bags for storage and waste.

    67. Save up for full loads in clothes washers.

    68. Save up for full loads in dishwasher.

    69. Shop by phone, then go pick up your purchases.

    70. Speak out about your values in community groups.

    71. Support efficient energy sources in your bio region.

    72. Support elected representatives on ecological issues.

    73. Support energy conservation in your bio region.

    74. Support global ecological improvement efforts.

    75. Support local credit unions.

    76. Support local merchants before large chains.

    77. Support neighborhood food cooperatives.

    78. Support proper waste water and sewage treatment.

    79. Support the cultural diversity in your bio region.

    80. Support the plants and animals in your community.

    81. Take shorter showers.

    82. Teach your children ecological wisdom.

    83. Turn down the thermostat on your water heater.

    84. Turn off the lights when not needed.

    85. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth.

    86. Use biodegradable soaps and detergents.

    87. Use cloth diapers.

    88. Use cloth table napkins.

    89. Use less tap water whenever possible.

    90. Use non-toxic pest control.

    91. Use only medications you trust/understand.

    92. Use rags or towels instead of paper.

    93. Use rechargeable batteries.

    94. Use the second side of paper for scratch paper.

    95. Use water from cooking vegetables to make soup.

    96. Volunteer for work in a community garden.

    97. Volunteer to maintain local parks and wilderness.

    98. Wash clothes in cold water.

    99. Wash dishes in still, not running water.

    100. Weather-seal your home.

    101. Work to unlearn poor ecological habits.

  17. water pollution

  18. I am.

    I hunt squirrels and deer and eat them.

    I cut down as many trees as I can.

    I pollute the water by wizzing in it.

    I like to burn things.

    Sometimes I cut down trees just for fun.

  19. Human interferance. We knock down trees for farming space, we kill wild animals for handbags, we start fires, we build blocks of houses on what were untouched fields, we hunt endangered wildlife, we fish with drift nets, we kill sharks for their fins so we can have soup, we steal birds nests so we can eat that too, we buy wildlife products irresposibly when we go to places such as Africa and Asia, we throw waste into our oceans, we litter, we economise instead of think of what is more sustainable, we abuse and most of all we don't care.

  20. People. We haven't done anything positive that I can recall.  But we do breed pretty fast so that we can suck up the earth's resources in greater numbers and destroy more ecosystems for our homes and toys.

    We can't even take care of our water or the air we breath.

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