
What do you think is the cause of the "boom" in knife stabbings in the uk?

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i'm not from the uk, but i know alot of people who are, and its really worrying to think about the rise in this particular type of crime. its horrible....what do you think has caused or is the root of this?

18 of the people killed are teenagers....30 in total this month alone

or has it always been there, just not reported as widely?




  1. Unarmed citizens are an easy mark for criminals.  Unless I have been misinformed, handguns are illegal to possess in the UK.  Are knives gonna be next?  People are violent, that's human nature.  Even if everything is taken away, criminals will find some way to hurt or kill innocent people.  I'm glad that I have the right and means to effectively defend myself.

  2. A boom in angry people?

  3. Its probably frustration at the poor quality of the heroin thats on the street these days

  4. The slow decline of communities, and social standards.

    Once, people were proud of their communities and worked hard whether it be in factories or coal mines etc.

    Now amost of the manufacturing has gone to the far east, most people are only out for themselves. There is less to be proud about, the country has greatly lost it's identity and so the social decline has led to greater crime. Guns are not easy to get hold of, however knives are found in every kitchen.

  5. a mixture of lax parents & a pointless future.

    agree with parsons, 1st link below.

  6. Angry young men with no direction, no fathers to tell them right from wrong, drugs, knives, gangs, poverty, useless govt with no policies on the matter.  I blame the 1960s!

  7. knives:

    cheaper, easeir to hide, smaller, easier to get rid of, no evidence

    All of these are better qualities than a gun...I guess murderers are smart in UK?

  8. its probably down to the fact that there are sooooooooooo many a******s in the world today, who hold no regard for human life.

  9. Lack of guns.

  10. I'd say it's partly down to knives being easy to get hold of, and to kids regarding knife-carrying as being "cool" (a bit like gun-carrying in the US). Gang culture plays a big part in it too.

  11. Oh, I really don't understand why do people do this. I'm form central Europe, and knife was quite a traditional weapon in our pub fighting, but now you don't see this often. And I thought that UK is a lot further then us... And those killings of French biochemists in London... I applied for summer scholarship on the same university and nearly the same specialisation. I wasn't accepted, but maybe it's a stroke of luck. h**l, who it's killing peaceful scientists? This was a close-enough for me, I'm not planning going to London anymore, I better stay with our mafia, gypsies and drunken citizens... feels safer...

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