
What do you think is the caused for the high gas prices and when do you think it would stop?

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What do you think is the caused for the high gas prices and when do you think it would stop?




  1. high prices are caused by

    A) lots of people using lots of gas,

    B) the sliding dollar,

    C) price gouging by greedy oil producers.

    it will stop when

    A) we drill Alaska, Gulf of Mexico, Offshore etc. s***w the caribou!

    B) alternative fuels become more accessible to the public

  2. Demand is increasing drastically.  China had hardly any cars 15 years ago, and now has millions on the road just counting Beijing.  India's dramatic increase in wealth - and population - has likewise created a surge in demand. US population is nearly the fastest growing on the planet, primarily due to immigration, but our per-capita energy use is declining.

    With 7 billion people, the demands on our resources have reached the breaking point. US oil production peaked years ago, and the last known large field still untapped is blocked by environmentalists.  The world really is running out of oil.

    Compound the vast demands of China, India & other newly affluent countries, plus rampant population gorwth with the decline of the US dollar, and you have $112/bbl oil.  The price in Euros hasn't increased as drastically, but the Euro is now worth $1.55, not 85 cents.

    The price increase will stop only when world population drops by at least 50% or we discover several major new oil fields larger than the North Slope, or when we invent the solar powered car.  We cannot continue to use ethanol from grains (corn) to replace some of the petroleum because the world is running out of food, too.

  3. Gas is not the only thing thats high................when the h**l did  milk become $5.00 a gallon!!!!! I thought I was going to start saving more money when my daughter stopped drinking formula!!!

  4. china and india, as well as many other states, are growing economies; thus there is more money coming into these poor areas; more demand for energy as well as transportation.

    The demand is only going to rise.  ;)

  5. greed is the reason for the price of it and it can go down any time it wants to,as long as politics has anything to do with it though we wont see any lower prices than we are seeing right now,and that may go on for a while longer ,at least until after elections are over with,good luck.

  6. It will never stop, until Americans stop being gas depended. And compared to the rest of the world (besides the oil rich countries) we have the lowest gas prices.

  7. politics and the fleecing of the american public

  8. Most of these answers are simply not right. The reason is oil futures traders they "speculate" anytime someone in the oil supply chain sneezes that their will be a disruption in the oil supply, thus driving up the price of the commodity. It is simply greed by oil speculators.

    **I read an interesting fact, it costs chevron $24 to explore, drill, produce and process a barrel of oil into gasoline, that is 44cents a gallon. People really need to get informed, too many people are being paid off, and we are being fed a web of lies.

    **Another interesting fact, the companies say it's supply and demand, well demand is down, and supplies are at their highest level since 1993, yet prices are up!

  9. the cause is the economy.  the american dollar is not worth much right now, so all commodities are going very high.  Oil is over $100 a barrell, and gold is well over $1000 an ounce... we are in a recession, right now...

  10. The gas industry is a major cartel (economics), they simply set the price. The normal supply & demand curve doesn't exist, the supply curve is a horizontal line.

  11. This is only a finite amount of oil in the ground, and once it is gone you can kiss your gas guzzling cars and trucks goodbye.

    Prices are on the way up for good, and at sometime during your lifetime driving a car will only be for the obscenely rich billionaires.

    The days of gas at less than $2 a gallon are long gone.

  12. Have you not heard of the 40 bedroom house a middleeatern gas baron owns?  Perhpas you have heard of another middle eastern gas baron who (literally) has an indoor ski park (huge with snow everywhere in a desert mind you)?  How else could they afford to live this way if not for the stupid Americans buying their oil?  It will not stop until all the oil is depleted.  Too many people make too much money to make cheap alternative fuel available.

  13. its simple, the greed of the oil companies and it wont stop, so be prepared to pay $2 a litre soon. As for an answer to the problem, get a pushbike I guess!

  14. The cause is people using too much gas, and it will stop when people stop wasting gas.

  15. most our oil comes from middle east

    with the war its hard to get it

    we say we want to help iraq when really we want their oil(ii think don't take that personally that my opinion)

    we have enough oil in alaska to power america for like a 100 years but bush is an idiot so...(also my opinion)

  16. you can thank  MR BUSH for rasing the gas prices and there wont be no end in sight

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