
What do you think is the future impact of renewable energy?

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What do you think is the future impact of renewable energy?




  1. Solar Energy requires the area to be free of trees so the sun can get through to the collector. The collector can block the sun robbing plant life of valuable nutrients. This is very limiting to it's usability, however as new technology emerges we may see less of this impact and it may become more feasible.

    Wind energy requires wind which sometimes we have, sometimes we do not. Again the usability is limited.

    Hydro power: well Hoover Dam is already built, and the ecosystem there has already been messed up, and replaced with a new one. It can stay, but I hope we don't go destroying anymore ecosystems for this power source.

    Geothermal heat, there is still a lot of learning to do here. In some locations where experiments have been done the area has cooled down.  I can't be sure that we fully understand what effect the cooling of these geothermal hot spots will have on the environment, and surrounding ecosystems. The creation of mass amounts of steam might turn a desert into a wetlands, or rain forest if done on a large enough scale.

    Biofuels, everyone thinks they are the wave of the future. If we do not produce enough foods to feed the starving now, then why take away from our food source to move cars?

    Methane, I believe this might prove to be one of the most viable renewable energy sources we have. Most animal's f***s give off this gas (including humans) and a lot of it is just released into the environment. A lot of cow and hog farmers are building smaller power plants on their farms, and selling the power to the power company. It's probably feasible for cities to attempt this at municipal waste treatment facilities too. I don't think it would be feasible for the average joe to attempt this in his back yard though.

  2. The future of renewable energy would be the death of non renewable energy source,

    We would sneeze to start a car, and laugh to accelerate the engine, and give a grim look to slow down the car.

    the energy from our body will be used to drive most of the devices we use today.

  3. Higher prices for everything.

    Renewable just means the resource is almost endless, it doesn't mean it's any better for the environment.  Like fuel from corn, the fuel still burns and creates pollution.

  4. multiple new job opportunities for many new areas of power generation. A largedecrease in GDP going off shore to other

    OPEC nations causing major asset reallocations world wide

    as their primary income sourcs dry up at the wells.

    As the country and the nations money supply resources retained from the new energy resources are reinvested in the new solar, wind ,water,wave and geothermal sources the nations monetary resources will increase available funding for

    expansion of building new and more efficient buuildings and homes. triggering a new national expansion of wealth and

    new industry jobs springing a whole new tecnology phase

    with a well spring of new ideas in robotics uses and

    a new wealth of nano tech uses leading to gains in health

    break throughs and the added new proceedures leading to

    new treatments to old maladies common and complex.

    also with the mind storm of new energy and new cash influx from savings of the nations resources new funding will

    bemade available for leaps and bounds in alternative plant

    sources of new high potential energy efficient modes of

    creating transportation that uses less energy than current

    combustion ennnnngines use leading to huge gas mileage

    and expanded battery technology making electric double

    and triple powered backup hybrid vehicles to come on the market and with the final  superconductors working at common room temperatures a two fold degrease in power loss over long distance will make power distribution

    more efective in delivery and engines able to increase their output by and increase of fifty percent the inprovement will

    ke a reviolution in computers degreasing the size of the computer in half making a laptop the standard system

    eliminating the desk to system all together while making the computer laptop costs reduce so much every one can afford the technology and making the internetsystem providing the web to the world able to ungrade all their system in half the space but provide ten times the web capability.And *** the oil industry wains and gasoline combustion cars head for the

    scrap recyclers new compleatly recyclable memory metal

    cars will carry us into the next decade free of carbon output

    thus skylines in citys like La will become clear and more congested as personal air flight crafts are made available

    for the very wealthy but new traffic rules will have to be adopted to regulate the new air born movers no longer

    trapped inside those congested land locked cars.

    We move to a more mobile society thats breaths healthier air

    water becomes the new problem of the next generation

    looking to produce sources cost efectively from the local water ocean sources leading to a encrease in land uses

    costs of land close to clear water sources that have sufficient water flows to allow the intakes not to affect wild fish populations as are now in the deltas of our fresh water

    rivers. A new space program will be announced to populate and exploit other planets for their surface resources

    and new exploration probes will be launched to mine out

    our future iron and other strategic metals from space sources

    from the local planet bodies to the earth with jumping off

    spacelabs developed to expand the stations needed as launch points from outside our planets atmosphere.

    With the explosion in robotics in many aspects of life

    people will be more freed up to pursue education

    leisure and time to enjoy some of the new found timesavers

    meaning a expansion of travel entertainments and increased

    infrastructure replacement and renewal of living spaces

    people will move into the surface of their planet thus freeing up the surface land for encreased food production and energy

    prduction through solar collection further making the richer\richer and the poor undereducated servants to the haves more of a class driven unclass supported society.

    The age of the paper less work place begins to become

    reality. Books become a collector museum addition to

    museum libraries of past old tecnology manual version of

    the wealth of data stored in computer store houses.

    The technology the vrtual schoolrooms will overtake\

    virtual classesof the future college and you no longer commute to work by physcal driving to a office your office is virtual and you attend virtual meetings and get virtual

    assignments and computers derive reporting cpabilities

    you use to produce reports from future data projections

    of capacity of outputs of facotries that produce on demand

    products as needed no longer requiring brick and mortar stores of products all on catalogs with virtual visions of the

    models they can produce at your online order direct shipped

    and installed for you while you work at home. and every

    home convienienceis programmed to run by your homes intergrated system link into the main server link for all

    systems in the home home work and leisure will all be serviced by a interlink and the idea of going out to see a movie will be a thing of the past resturants will become a extention of the movie houses we go out to today.

    Services we go out for will be redundant for those wh cant afford the systems online at home for those appartment dwellers vs home owners and living spaces will become mre

    open and vast with out encrease in the energy costs

    or high cost of keeping comfortable temps due to advances in heat exchangers and superconductors will deecrease the size and effecasy of the home electricl systems thus maaking all appliances even smaller and more streamlined.

    cheers to the future

  5. i'll be dead to whyd i care?

  6. Water will be used in some way shape or form as a renewable energy

  7. Fossil fuels are renewable as the plants did them originally and will continue.


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