
What do you think is the greatest aspect of love?

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In your opinion, what do you think is the greatest aspect of love? Is it having someone love you, loving someone else unconditionally? The emotions that are created by love? I realize love cannot be decreased down to one important aspect as it is complex in itself, but if you had to choose one important aspect of love that makes you feel is if the love you feel is worth it, what would it be?

Thank you!




  1. Not wanting to hurt anyone else because their loved one will be hurt. Peace.

    Also being able to be exactly yourself and loved as that raw personality instead of the personality that you show publicly.

  2. 'Caring'  for another is the greatest aspect of love.  Rest is selfishness!

  3. Well, Know that you can fall in love with anyone, that is important, that you can fall in love with anyone in any position, and that you are willing to accept them unconditionally. If you were meant to be with that person since you were born, would they be so special if it would have turned out that way anyway. Instead knowing that you chose somebody over a billion other people that you could have fallen in love with, but you chose this person this is what makes love and your special someone so special.

  4. faithfulness is the greatest aspect


    t l


  5. Concern.

  6. The greatest aspect of love is the "healing" it brings.  

  7. I'd say it's about how fortunate someone is for finding and having someone to love him/her.. realizing that not all people find the love of their life.

  8. That would be the energy of love. I always feel most like myself when love is involved. : )

  9. True love is selfless love. God is love, the source of love is God. We do not create love we experience love. The measure of love is how God like love is.

    God gives to all His children all that God has to give and asks for nothing in return except love.

    When the child learns to love selflessly it becomes God like.

  10. In most cases love is nothing more than memory of make up. Love is highly subjective and it's rare that both parties are equaly in love with each other at the same time. The motivation for love is s*x or power over other individual. The greatest aspect of love in my opinion is the temporary surge of blood in your head, and in the vains all over your body.  

  11. knowing that you can have someone to always talk to and who will be supportive of you no matter what you do. The feeling that someone would be as open as you are being and sharing themselves with you. And because love is the closest thing that we have to magic.

  12. Knowing that one day you will be in my arms when I wake up in the morning to go to work...

  13. "...the sharing of communication" between two people mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally for a life time...

    ...thanks for asking...

  14. The greatest aspect of love is to give love to your beloved without any selfish motive and expecting nothing in return.

    If you expect love in return, then it becomes a trade and not slefish love any more.

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