
What do you think is the most disgusting noise?

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What do you think is the most disgusting noise?




  1. Bones breaking.


  2. The sniveling whine of an indignant religious fanatic.

  3. The noise of a scratch on a black board  

  4. Hate to be a downer, but it has to be the sound of someone struggling for their last breath as their lungs fill with blood.  

    Yes I've heard it.  No I won't ever forget.

  5. Slurping while eating soup

  6. people coughing up phlegm or snot or throwing up, orrrr BREAKING YOUR ARM IN TWO, it sounds like breaking a stick

  7. Smacking gum really loud, that sound people make when they are getting the snot out of their throat. OH! definitely breaking a bone, every time I watch Scarred I get so grossed out.

  8. I really hate to say this but I think when a male's testies slap a woman's buttox during one on one time.. that is pretty gross

  9. that noise people make when there about to spit

  10. The sound a fork and knife make when they scrape up against each other when you're cutting food. Gives me goosebumps. uuughhh...

  11. some one sucking or hacking snot in a restaurant

  12. Varts.

  13. People clearing thier throat

  14. The sound of crying (especially from fussing kids / babies)!  I really really cannot stand the sound!

  15. squeaky dog farts


    I just want to run!

  16. wet farts

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