
What do you think is the most effective weapon of "THE STRONG"?

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What do you think is the most effective weapon of "THE STRONG"?




  1. the mind

  2. real truth  

  3. the faith

  4. Silence.

  5. Confidence.

  6. The fact they can persuade others of their strength without having to do anything.

  7. Neutrality

  8. The ability to convice others...

  9. There are no strong  

  10. will power

  11. The mind and the self

  12. I have been reading about ancient Indian Shamans and your best shield of Power is your SPIRIT SHIELD this is your shield of strength and power :))))))

    Your spirit knows no limits

    there are no boundaries to your being

    You are part of the infinity...........................

    Bringing inspiration into peoples lives :)))))

    The spirit shield is activated when a person is born :)))

  13. weapon... why would we need one of those... if we need a weapon we have already lost... tool sounds better... we'll go with language as the most effective tool of the strong...

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