
What do you think is the most fun/exciting job/ it doesn't have to pay well..?

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What do you think are the most fun and exciting jobs. They don't have to pay well, but something your excited to wake up too every day!

Something thats not that hard to get like fighter pilot or green beret. Something you can get from going or not going to college. Something anyone could get just if they try. And don't say anyone can be a green beret because green berets are a special breed of human! =).

Just something thats awkward ,fun ,exciting, never gets old, etc...





  1. I'm a college professor.  I love my job.  Very fun & exciting.   hang around college kids, boss people people make something of themselves.  Very fulfilling.    Plus I get a lot of vacation time.

  2. It totally depends on YOU! What you may find interesting the next person may not. If you like helping others succeed then I have what you might be interested in doing everyday. I help people get what they want in life. It makes me happy and I do it from home. want to learn how and get your FREE website visit  

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