
What do you think is the most important thing in the bookshop?

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of course the first thing is good books, so i know that answer:) i just wanted to get a general idea. e.g. do you preferr dim or bright lights, scented air, dark colors, or light colors dominating in the interior etc. thanx.




  1. Books should be at a reasonable height so you can see them and get to them.

  2. usually you spend a while in book shops, so they need to feel cosy. Also i dont like it when i am in full view of the counter and the book store operator just stares. It puts pressure on. Maybe even a comfy chair to sit on.

  3. Ever been in Victoria's Secret?  I can not go in the door because of the perfume level.  I literally can not breathe in their store.  SO, NO SCENTS!  Bright lights so people can see without difficulty.  Some comfortable chairs.  SAFE step stools.  I'm short.  If I can reach it, I can't buy it.  Nice carpenting because if it's on the bottom shelf, I'm going to sit on the floor.  Pale blue walls or very, very pale pink walls.  Clear signs to locate different genre.  ORGANIZATION.  If I can't find it, I'm not going to buy it.

  4. the total ambiance, nothing is better than a store completely devoted to literature!!! of course there needs to be plenty of places to sit and read and a music center adds to the effect (reading and listening to music, anything better than that!!!) oh and a coffee joint in it completes it.....

  5. It can't be one of those dreary looking places where books look more like a burden than anything else.

    Keeping it modern looking, not necessarily having bright colors everywhere but a couple of splashes of color are a must. Additionally the lights should just allow easy reading of books - colored lights would be a pain so they're a big no.

    Couches/Seating should be available so that you can have a read through a book before actually purchasing it and a computer search system always makes things easier.

    A wide variety of books is also good (even include comics perhaps).

  6. ummmm gosh that's a hard one.  ambience obviously is too broad of a category.  lighting i guess.   soft lighting would be nice.  enough to read by but not enough to make you feel like your under a spotlight walking around.

  7. A lot depends on the owner and the selection of books they have for sale.  Some stores, you walk in, and smell the mold. They warehouse shelves of Harlequins and Danielle Steele. Argh.The condition and variety are underwhelming.

    A good book store has knowledgeable and enthusiastic people at the front desk.  They love books and know their authors.  They know the classics and what's current.

    My favourite store has a clerks where I can tell them what I'm looking for and if they don't have the book or author I want they can recommend other authors who have a similar style. They have ideas to help you discover new authors.

    A bookstore where the books are loved and known is my top pick.

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