
What do you think is the most obvious indicator that 911 was an inside job?

by Guest59543  |  earlier

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Not to say it was, just that we normal, non-truthers, need some pat answers for some questions, such as:

Why is there no film/video of a plane hitting the Pentagon?

Why no black boxes were, officially, retrieved?

Why the towers look as if they are exploding?

How a passport of a terrorist escaped the fireball to land on the pavement?

etc etc




  1. The so called failure of the air defense systems that should have shot down those planes before they reached their destinations. The air defense systems worked with 100% reliability before 911 and with 100% reliability after 911. It is preposterous to believe that they failed on September 11, 2001 and only that day. That is even more so when you look at the evidence of forewarning from foreign governments that the attacks were imminent.

    I don't know it was an inside job but am very certain that those attacks could have been prevented very easily. I believe that rogue elements in the government and the military thwarted those defenses. The reasons for that are now becoming quite obvious (Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and more).

    I doubt that the questions of 911 will be resolved in my lifetime, but do hope that people are finding the so-called war on terror to be a little stale.

  2. The fact that the buildings collapsed to begin with. "fair enough" I thought. After all, 2 planes smashed into them. The real clincher was when building 7 collapsed from fire alone. A steel frame skyscraper never collapsed simply because of fire that day. I dont know if the Government per se planted bombs in the buildings, but someone did.

    The no plane hit the Pentagon stuff is baloney.  A planted theory to make everyone who questions the official story look crazy.

  3. building 7 collapse being announced before it happened:

  4. There is video of the plane hitting the pentagon.

    I'm not sure about the black boxes, but I don't know if they tend to survive being in a blazing fire for long periods of time then crushed under falling buildings.  The black box from flight 93, however, was recovered.

    They don't look like they're exploding.  Watch the footage.  It's clearly a collapse as you would expect buildings of that size to fall.

    The passport was blown clear of the plane.  It did not linger in the area where combustion was taking place.  Same thing happened with the passport of a New York Yankees baseball player in a small plane crash.  

    EDIT:  Ok, you want to be a crazy conspiracy wacko, that's your right.  Disregard all the evidence that proves you and your pals wrong and prepare for nobody to every take you seriously again.

  5. there was sooo much jet fuel  cause all planes had full tanks according to this docummentary i saw. that's why there were no black boxes. they dissentegraded along with everything including the bodies. there are some bodies never even recovered cause there wasn't anything left. And that's why those buildings fell like they were exploding because of the fuel causing soo much heat to pratically melt steel beams, can u imagine how hot that had to be? I didn't know about the passport. I did hear the other day that they found some more bones on top of a building i New York, they didn't say which one but wow!!

  6. The professional spotter in near by hotel with transmitter. How news hour on public tv out of no where started to discuss how major catastrophe during Presidency can change how it is judged. Think Clinton was offered attack, but turned it down. There was unusual shorting of insurance stocks that was never explained.  

  7. The fact that in a building that size at 9:00 am, two planes and so few people died.  Miracle or planned?

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