
What do you think is the percentage of poems that you read that you also leave a comment?

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Most of the time I leave a comment... about 75% of the time; when I don't it's usually because I don't have something constructive or witty to say... occasionally I have responders block ( similar to writers block) but that's rare.




  1. most of the time the poem is so bad a comment saying so is constructive in a funny kind of way/ so if it is drivel just say so 100% of the time

  2. I'd say 80% of the time.  There are times I have no idea at all what the poem is saying - lol.  I don't want to insult the poet or look like an idiot.  So I keep quiet.  Other times, I'm without words for some unknown reason.  

  3. Responders block! You've finally put a name to it.

    I'd say 80% of the time, and I agree with what ma said.

  4. I would say 75-85% of the time.  And if I read them I star them.

  5. Guilty. I love poetry. New here, read almost all of it here and was just taking a break when I saw your question. I guess I don't want to appear stupid. I'm no where near any of this work. I read yours. I just like poetry. I enjoy this as much as a book.

  6. The brain has gone numb, sometimes I cannnot really do a fair job of commenting either negative or positive and I walk away, If it is interesting to me I will star it.

    Sometimes I blast out what is on my mind and stick my foot in my mouth..*chokes*  I am good at that,

    .. so I prefer to err on the side of caution  

    uh the question?

    maybe 90 %

  7. About 90% of the time, I think.

    I'll only leave supportive or complimentary comments.

    If it doesn't move me, I'll say nothing at all, or

    if it is so above me, confuses me, because of its

    brilliance leaves me scratching my head...

    that, too, I'll not comment upon!


  8. Maybe 85%, I star most all I read, and sometimes star but not answer, as I don't have the answer, but maybe some one else will.

    I too some times have responders block. If I don't care for a poem, I

    rarely give an answer.

  9. Not sure about just depends whether the poem moves me in a good or bad way.

  10. I say I leave a comment 25% of the time. Sometimes someone has already given a better answer than me, so why look like a dumb *** when there`s already a wittier answer.

    Check out the link to "the burning man's festival", where thousands of happy Artist get together.

  11. 90% BMG.....I find that if I am willing to read a piece, I will read it several times and by then I have something to say. We all post for various reasons. I see many that post and run when anything negative comes their way. Sadly, they will even delete their words, not giving us a chance to view, review and spew....

    As of late, I find myself looking for new voices, more and more. TY  

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