
What do you think is the right age to start having s*x?

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What do you think is the right age to have s*x for the fist time? I know a lot of people will say "when you are married" and that's not the answer I want. What AGE is right according to you?




  1. whenever your ready and in love boo only you will know it. Its your choice if you wait till marriage even though its a sin not too also you can ask for forgiveness.

    Hope this Helps


  2. Keep in mind that most people are too stupid to have responsible s*x their entire lives. You might be surprised at how ignorant people are of basic understanding of s*x. There are lots of misconceptions and bad ideas out there, held by people of every age.

  3. There is no RIGHT age. There is, however, YOUR right age. Whenever you feel ready is fine. But I guess the average would be 16-18.

  4. When you don't have to rely on your parents to give you money for baby food or diapers, when your old enough to realize that s*x isn't everything. What's up with all these s*x questions, seriously?

  5. WELL 5 yrs. ago wen i first did the deed i would say 'anytime you want.' but now that I'm older a wife and a mother going to collage i would say it depends on your maturity level (which your gonna say you are) your partners maturity level the reason and seriousness of the relationship. i think i would never tell my daughter its ok to have s*x but if she did and she was mature about it (and on birth control) i couldn't do anything about it but help her the best i could ie birth control not in a dangerous place not with multiple partners answer her questions make sure she had checkups. you're gonna do what your gonna do. i guess I'm trying to say its not JUST a matter of age.

  6. When you're mature enough, and when you're in a serious relationship that will last.  

  7. well s*x is meant for marriage and marriage only so i'm sorry that this isn't the answer you want but it is the right answer.  

  8. It's not really an age, it's when you feel ready. People mature at different levels, only you can tell yourself.

    For me, 18 or later, I don't want to get pregnant in high school, and when I do, I'm using all the protection I can.  

  9. the age when you know the pros and cons of s*x how to protect yourself

    you know you can love without s*x and have s*x without love

    and you are a 100% ready mentally, emotionally and physically to have s*x.

    There is no one true age because people mature at different rates.

    i'm 18 a virgin and god d**n proud of it. i have a bf of 7 months and still not ready to have s*x with him. i'm emotionally not ready

  10. when u absolutely know the right person to do it wit and don't do it just to have fun do it because of love

  11. it really is kind of when you get married, or when you can are responsible enough to handle the consequences of s*x. Would you be able to deal with pregnancy, the emotional aspects of it, etc. Because even if you use protection there could alwasy be consequences. Thats why I don't think you should do it when your a teen, since teens wouldn't be able to handle such stuff. if your married then you have someone there to help you, and probably more money. but thats just my opinion.

  12. i think u should have s*x when ur old enough to deal with the consequences that can come from it, your in a serious long term relationship and in love....there really isn't an age on that, never anything lower then 15 tho

  13. Whenever you feel is the best time. It's your body and you have the right to decide when the time is right. The right time is for you may not be the right time for someone else. One friend of mine started at 19, one started at 12 and one waited until they were 29.

    BTW since when does love have anything to do with s*x? As long as your protected, safe and it;s consensual, love/marriage shouldn't be prerequisite to have s*x.

  14. I used to say i was gonna wait till i was married...i am SOOOO glad i didnt wait! I was 19 and with my bf  at the time for 14 months before i had s*x for the first time.I dont think there is a specific age that is right. as long as you decide that no matter what happens with that guy or girl in the future that you wont regret sharing that experience with them.

  15. my first time was when i was 16.. i still am though lol

    but when you find the right person.

    i think 16 is old enough for the 1st time but i dk about yonger

    but wait until you are ready

  16. Under 20 is not ok whether you think you're in love or not. Just wait. Yes most ,50%, of all marriages fail.

    Look if you're still in high school YOU ARE TO d**n YOUNG!!

    1 in 4 girls have an STD...

    get informed

  17. I don't think there is a specific age... there is a specific person.

    There is no right age as far as I'm concerned... as long as it's not too young.

    As for the right person, you have to be completely sure that the other person loves you as much as you love them.  That there's no doubt in the matter, otherwise you end up regretting it.  I know this from experience.  It was awful, the whole thing and especially afterwards, too.  Good luck with this.

    Also be careful as far as the physical issues are involved. (pregnancy and stuff)

  18. it's not the age as much as the maturity level. If you feel emotionally ready, you're in love (true love, not just puppy love), and are ready to handle the consequences (pregnancy, STD's, and all that other stuff), then go ahead. And don't think that that stuff won't happen to you, if you're not careful, they will. You've seen all the 14 and 15 year old girls on here freaking out cuz they might be pregnant.. don't let that be you. :)

  19. The age in which you get married. It's not the answer you're looking for, but its the right one.

  20. When your mentally ready.

    Probably no younger then 15.

  21. Whenever both partners fell ready for it.

  22. I was 20...really.

    I think it's more about emotional maturity than chronological age.

    That being said...I think a person should be AT LEAST 18...cause I'm sorry...but there are very few people younger than 18 that are mature enough to know their a$$ from a whole in the ground...let alone navigate the repercussions a sexual relationship

  23. There is no "right" age - as long as you feel that you are physically, emotionally ready and you have a partner that you are certain you can trust.  

  24. When the person that decides to have s*x moves out

    of their parents house and when they are responsible enough

    to take care of the consequences.

  25.   When you can pay for your prenatal care and to support a child you may have or you can afford to pay for the abortion.  No form of birth control is 100% affective.

  26. There's really is no specific age, it's when you feel completely ready and trust the person enough. My one friend was 15 when she first had s*x with her boyfriend of 9 months and he convinced her he loved her, 3 days later he dumped her. She honestly believed she was in love with him, because he made her believe it. Just make sure you aren't being pressured into anything, talk about it first and make sure you are both ready to take that step.

  27. AT LEAST 16.

    Then you'll be somewhat mature.

    And you should have with a guy you have been dating for at least a few months.

    Someone you cant trust and depend on.

  28. The age where you want to start having babies of course.  

  29. truthfully i think when you are mature and ready and found that special person. i would say 17 and up so you will be prepared to accept the consequences

  30. I think 18 because your officially grown enough. When your 18 you get to make your own decisions and do what you want.

  31. 18 atleast so you can support a child if the girl happends to get preggo!

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