
What do you think is the smartest way to handle the illegal immigration problem?

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Not only the 10 million illegals already here, but the 100 million still coming? What policy do you think we could do to solve the problem?




  1. A good guest worker program would help and for those already hear some way to work towards citizenship.

  2. I don't know where you got your information but many of them are actually leaving.  The economy is down, a recession means lower demand for goods and services, less jobs, less likely they will get hired, so they leave.  So to answer you question, if you really want them to leave, stop hiring them and definetely avoid putting someone like you in office that is so minformed that has no idea as to what is going on.  Is what we got for electing Bush into office.

  3. they way to solve the problem with the ones coming from mexico (since their having a problem with putting up the wall)  take the inmates (more than enough) to the border and i guarantee you they won't get pass them.

    the ones here, pick them up and take them home

  4. Make the path to citizenship simpler but still educate said immigrants on the history, laws and traditions of the country.  Deportation is an easy answer for many, but who will do their work after they've left?  And what kind of message does that send about the "Land of the Free?"

    It's difficult for people to accept, but for the most part, they are here to stay.

  5. Pick em up deport there butts. If they do not do it legal they gotta go.

  6. I think 100 million is an excellent number because I don't think 100 million would threaten the English language, and labor should be globalized, so it is not sold at below world market rates.

    Americans like spending $450 Billion/year on the military and going to places like Vietnam and Iraq to "help the people" with bullets and bombs.  They even spend a relatively small amount on foreign aid, so why not help the people with something they actually need, like a job that pays 10 times what they make in the 3rd World?

    This is a good question because it proves that we are xenophobic against foreigners in large numbers because in small numbers we seem to like them.  

    This question is the same as scaring people by saying what if 20 million Americans move to Boise, Idaho overnight?  Theoretically, it's possible, yet you let the labor & housing markets self-regulate where Americans work.  The same self-regulation can work internationally for a net gain for all of us.

  7. Close the border and deport them all.

  8. Securing our borders!!  If they make it in, they should be sent back, we need to send a clear message that we no longer will tolerate anyone who enters our country illegally!  For too long we have just looked the other way, and I believe that we now have an epidemic on our hands!!  The illegals are draining the resources of the citizens who have been here for generations.  I, for one, am tired of it!!

  9. Well, I am quite in favor of the "get them out of the country" option.

    But I am not mean. I would make exceptions that favor illegal immigrants who have special job skills or education. I think it is best for immigrants to assimilate, instead of hosting rallies that parade the Mexican flag. Just check out the legal immigrants from India and elsewhere - most are smart, educated, and actually know how to speak English. Most of the Mexicans who cross the border illegally are just here for cheap labor and have no interest in our country - unless we pay for their upkeep.

    I am not against immigration nor am I racist - I just think the standards should be high for legal immigrants and the penalties should be tougher for illegal ones. As it stands now, we have 12+ million people from South America who got in the country with no government oversight - that means anyone, drug smugglers, cheap laborers, etc.

    Maybe it is neither simple nor kind. But it would probably work fast!

  10. - how about they can NEVER go on welfare

    - must pay ALL of their own medical, legal, housing fees

    - must have a job secured before getting here

    - cannot sponsor their family members to come over until they are financially capable of supporting them

    - must speak English well enough to be understood

  11. 100 million is alot of ppl. I think we need good borders.

  12. Inforce the law,

    cut off government assistance

    easy as that,you dont see Mexico having any immigration problems.

  13. Fine companies that hire them.  Don't give them free medical. Don't give them in-state college tuition.  Kick them out if they are found here illegally.

  14. Get a BIG box and call UPS!

    Enforce our laws.

    No welfare!

    No free ER!

    No babies!

    Put a tattoo on their forehead!

    Both our south and North borders are weak.

    We need the Army armed watching them.

    In Arizona you can lose your business for hiring them!

    But when you have Mayors like we got in Phoenix who love them, they keep coming.

    The Mesa police do not enforce the laws.

    The Phoenix police do not.

    Yet the last 2 Phoenix cops where killed by illegals!

  15. Enforce our current laws, and make living here illegally difficult and inhospitable.  If it is hard to live here without documentation, people will be deterred from doing it.

    It would have no effect on legal immigrants, they are already following our procedures, and are entitled to all of the benefits that come with it.

  16. Making the companies that hire them pay heavy fines when they are caught. Not permitting them to apply for welfare. When you pull one over for a traffic stop, take them straight to jail then deport them.

  17. We need to welcome them. American culture is not worth maintaining or defending. That's what the government keeps telling me anyway. I'll miss it. I like the America I grew up in. I guess it's time to get rid of it.

  18. The U.S should tighten border security to a higher level to discourage prospecting illegals from crossing it because it certain areas they can easily climb to the other side. And another thing is to discourage small and big companies aswell as households from hiring illegal immigrants and in doing so they should aside from higher taxation the U.S governement should push for laws that will easily sniff out illegals by making sure that every immigrant to certain degrees should speak english and yes this should be done in random moments to suspected people.

    Rumours of whats in the borders to discourage illgeals should be done and spread to discourage border crossing.

    For the illegals Amensty should be rewarded to those who can meet the U.S standard like these:

    1.) Every illegal applying for legal status should be able to speak english to a certain degree depending on age. And they should select those or favor those who can speak english more fluently.

    2.) Reeducation should be done aside from learning english depending on the age but for those preferably 45 below should attain or be reeducation up to a high school graduate level. Including learning there rights and the common law of the U.S.

    3.)They should be able to afford to have reasonable healthcare coverages at a reasonable period of time.

    4.) And to reason out attain no.3 the most favorable candidates should be illegal immigrants applying to be legal immigrants that make money at upper or upper middle of the illegal immigrant salary. Therefore there should be a poverty line for legal immigrant prospectors.

    5.) Drug Addiction and involvement of drugs is a serious issue and the immigration center should deny those who have failed the drug test and or has had involvement with the use or buying and or selling of drugs. Immediate denial of immigrant status shall be done after a thorough investigation which could also lead to imprisonment.

    6.) Illegal immigrants should live in a certain area or proximity or a certain area for a maximum of 5 years and should have a routine analysis with immigration officers once or twice a month including surprise visitations.

        -Within that time period the illegal cannot visit his/her home country without the risk of termination unless for a valid reason with documents but must return within 2 weeks maximum but must not be allowed to carry more than 5 kg.of items more carried to the US than what he brought when he came home.

       -Failure of following routine inspection and analysis with immigration officers causes termination of legal status without a valid and documented reason or a witness that is to a degree credible. With lack of such this shall cause the person to be leave the country within 48 hours with police monitoring him/her for that period.

    7.)The immigration center should favor illegals with relatives (not more than uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, cousin, second degree cousin)

    Those with relatives but with the following will not be favored but still has the chance of be admitted as long as the applicant was not involved:

       A.) Relatives of the illegal must be 18 or older

       B.) Must be financially stable

       C.) No record of criminal acts

       D.) High School Equivalent Graduate (Minimum)

       E.) Has a degree of knowledge about the relative

       F.) Has documents verifying proof of relation.

      G.) Has a residence of 1 year or more in a certain area unless his job requires him/her to constantly move

        G.1) Must have documents verifying this

    This will insure that illegals will have guidance and have someone to help them and to contact incase of emergencies.

    Those with Children must should be given favor to but must be assisted by child services for a reasonable amount of time and must not exceed 1 if single incase of multiple birth.

    8.) He/She must be able to pay for the fines of border crossing in a certain amount of time and for the verification processes and taxes for a reasonable amount and in a considerable period of time.

    This will be a good answer to border crossers and illegal immigrants who want to stay that will be justifiable Amnesty.

  19. 1.  Fund the Border Patrol.  In the past two Presidential Administration, they were not.  Mr. Bush, under the hammer, did, and things are coming up to par again.

    2.  The Mexican Mafia got hold of excellent Personal Computers and began forging countless identification documents.  That enabled the illegal aliens almost free entry to the United States.  Consequently... we must have a secure document... and we can have a secure document.  And while the Senate has passed the 'Real I.D.', and boy I hope it is good, the fact is I am suspicious as the dickens that the Senate is gonna come back and say.. oh whoopsie.. we made a mistake.  We need that I.D. and it had better get in place without a hitch.

    3.  Because so many people came into this country with those fake I.D.s, we don't have any idea who is what.  While the Federal Government suggests there are between 11 and 13 million, investment houses galore tell us there are 20 million or more.  A good part of that difference in numbers is very likely unaccounted for illegal aliens with excellent fake I.D.s.  Even if they come forward, they can maintain the identities they have already created, and we are looking at a very ugly time bomb.  The only solution to this mess is deportation and for a period long enough that the fraudulent welfare processes, and fake I.D.s go away.  The best way to solve many of the problems is to return to the current ways of dealing with immigration and avoid amnesty like typhoid Mary.  Know too.. 47% of the applications filed for amnesty turned out to be criminally fraudulent, and there is no way at all to check the validity of the application in a timely manner.

    For those coming?  We did not make it clear we were serious about our borders a mere ten years ago.  The illegal aliens WERE an invasion.  When the increased Border Patrol is in place, and the Real I.D. is operating, I believe that WILL send a critical message.  It already has in Mexico and Guatamala and it will to the rest of the world.  But one thing out there that is flately criminal is the failure of Congress to stop the anchor baby problem.

    We shall see.

  20. Let only the high functioning live here, everyone else goes to Guantanamo.

    Doesn't matter if you have lived here your whole life or are an elected official or have paid taxes, etc.

    If you don't qualify for Mensa, you will be deported starting immediately.  Yes families will be broken up.  Yes those who are not considered smart according to IQ tests will have to go, doesn't matter if you have gifts elsewhere.  Rules are rules.

    It's the smartest way.

    Guantanamo may be small, but with the gifts the left overs have, they'll make do.

    The rest of us mensa-qualifiers will have the where-with-all to solve all matters of the United States.  We will notify you, if and when you may return.

    Until then Bon Voyage.


    There is no answer that will please everyone.

    No wall will keep every undesirable out.

    No law will keep those needing money out.

    No hospital will deny emergency care to those dying, except by gross error.

    All the lawmakers and enforcers can do is to enforce laws that see to it that we are as fair to the US as possible and make those wanting to come in take a course or path toward citizenship that is logical/rational/fair.

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