
What do you think is under the sphinx?

by  |  earlier

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they have found a room but have not excavated it because it would dammage the structure




  1. It might be true behind every secret in the ancient city.  Like what happen with Alexander The Great or Anicent Egypt.

  2. Most likely.....sand

  3. A spaceship

  4. I wish I knew.I think there is something there very important discovery and I also think someone knows but its not public info.Do you really believe they can't find out,there is a door and since there is always going to be work going on,it won;t damage it that bad that it can't be repaired.Insteresting huh?

  5. Alien spaceship. Excavate NOW!

  6. The old sphinx.  It colasped, or just weathered, and like many of the structures of the time, just became rubble to build the new city upon.  Why would the sphinx or a pyramid be any different ?

    I like the spaceship idea.... and maybe Atlantis, or the first Starbucks ?

  7. YES omg im so glad you asked!

    ok so i became kinda interested in Edgar Cayce

    mostly because the history channel makes you believe what they want you to believe i get sucked into it all

    so if you read about him or have heard about him

    he was a psychic in the 20's and would put himself into this trans or watever yeah i know it sounds like bull but he was REALLY smart and you should read up on it

    i think its kinda cool

    OK getting to the point === one of the things he predicted or mentioned was that the only living clue about the world of atlantis is in there. hhaha ok now i probiably sound nuts - but ergggg you gotta it because im not crazy i promise..

    its a brilliant thing and it should be carefully excavated

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