
What do you think it's future of adoption from China?

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I've heard on the radio today, boy vs girl ratio is very messed up, it's 150 males vs 100 female because of selective abortions, there are 40 million more male in China because of the selecive gender abortion, are they going to make it harder to adopt children there, or it already has?




  1. They have made requirements more strict now.  Now they nolonger allow single parents to adopt, parents over a certain age and neither person in the couple can be overweight or have known major health problems.

  2. The answer to your question is yes and no!  Adoption is more difficult because they are faced with many challenges and the male to female ratio is just one of them.  My girlfriend just adopted her second baby from China about 3 weeks ago and there is still an amazing amount of babies that need homes!  The government does not want or have the funds to continue taking care of all these girls so adoption is the only way.  I have heard nothing of changing the 'one child' law and the people value and need boys more than girls.  I think a change is coming but not soooo soon.  If she is already in the works, she should be OK....if not...she better hurry!

  3. god bless the chinese baby girlss

  4. Yep, it already is more difficult & has a longer wait.

    I think the future holds more challenges and even longer waits.  There are a couple reasons for this.  

    The first is the boy/girl ratio.  China is finally figuring out they're headed for trouble if it continues and are working on implementing some ways to correct it.

    The second is the implementation of the Hague Convention.  Part of it is designed to encourage countries to help birth mothers be able to keep their children, find adoptive families within the country and such.  They promote international adoption as a less desirable alternative, so things are slowing down.

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