
What do you think it's like when you die?

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What do you think it's like when you die?




  1. Pretty lifeless..

  2. Well I will be judged by God and sentenced to heaven, h**l, or purgatory.

  3. I no longer am.

  4. I won't exist.

  5. I'm hoping it's like a long sleep with lots of REM cycles.  Lately my dreams have been very entertaining.  I'm hoping the Aborigines of Australia are right, and that we all return to Dream time.

  6. As a previous guy said, dreamless sleep.  Think back to what it was like before you were born.

  7. Well, I've studied thousands of near death experiences because I had the same question, amoung others. Not to encourage anyone who might tend to be suicidal, but...the vast majority say it is beautiful, warm, peaceful, and they are no longer afraid of death, many even look very much forward to it. For more information, and to read many accounts yourself, check out .  

  8. Sleep With No Dreams.  

  9. Your spirit goes thru a tunnel of light, and you are greeted by friends and family where you rest from the labors and cares of this life.  You wait for the resurrection.

  10. for a whole lot<   very very hot.

  11. This question was asked a few days ago. Here's the link.

  12. Well, one things for sure....those around me are going to find some peace and quiet for a change.

  13. My spirit will go back to God and after that I don't know.  

  14. From people who have died and came back- they all say the same story- they see a bright warm light and see all their family and friends that have already passed on. and then who knows? All of us will find out, some sooner than others !  

  15. Don't know, and hope I don't find out for quite a bit...however, after it happens, then I will know...

    To quote one of the great philosophers, Groucho Marx:

    "If I can, I'll drop you a line. If not, I'll send up a note."

  16. No body knows the answer to this question.

    do you know where you were before you are born?

  17. Like going home.  

    You will see those you have loved and remember those you had forgotten.  If you lived a good life you will be happy and will be in a place of beauty and rest.  If you have lived an evil life, you will have to wait the judgement day with regrets and fear in your heart.

    The judgement day and the resurrection will take place and you will recieve your body back to be joined with your spirit.  You will be an immortal soul that will not see corruption but will live on forever.


  18. Dreamless sleep.

  19. God down loads your brain into the next monkey that evolves into a human.

  20. It's very similiar to a human fetus entering our world.  The dimension some call "heaven" is already around us. A few can see it (psychics and such).  It's just another stage of existence with the only requirement to get their physical death of our current human form.

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