
What do you think it is like to live in Canada??

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People from the states, what do you think it is like to live here. Do you think it is basically like the states or that we are people who live on farms and have Mounty Police patrolling the streets on horses??




  1. Well... for the first couple decades of my life I lived in Canada - I was born there. I've since married an American and have lived in the States for the last few years.

    I can honestly say that there are very few differences between where I live now and where I used to live. I'm from the Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario area and now live in the Springfield, Illinois area and it is true that middle America is pretty much the same as middle Canada. The primary differences are small ones.

    There are no Tim Horton's where I live. I don't order fries at KFC here - I order potato wedges. Ditto for Taco Bell. There does seem to be more selection of retail stores/fast food joints down here. But honestly folks... these aren't big differences! Oh... and warmer weather comes sooner and stays around longer down here.

    Culturally the only real big difference that I've noticed is that there are many blacks in the U.S. and few Asians. The opposite is true in Canada.

    By the way, down here I still go to the doctor when I get sick - it just costs me $15.00. Big deal. If you have a good insurance plan you don't even remember 'free healthcare' in Canada anymore.

  2. I like to think that most Americans are not so mind numbingly stupid that they really believe we Canadians live in igloos and have only just now learned of this wild new thing called electricity.

    We have roads, telephones, banks, grocery stores, computers and television, too. We aren't backwards.

  3. I have many friends who are from the US, and they think that Canada is a country pretty much like theirs, except that we have universal health care, that we have more space and fewer people, that our government operates differently from theirs, and that on average it is colder here.

  4. I imagine that it is much the same as living in the States convenience wise, but that socially it is a more open and happy place.

    Some examples:

    Americans (not all of us) Love war

    Canadians Love Hockey

    Americans will tell you how great we are and let our people die without insurance.

    Canadians will till you they might have to wait a few more hours in the hospital but they care and help everyone

    Americans love to drink and fight

    Canadians love to drink

    Americans are afraid of their government

    Canadians make the government fear them

    Americans don't care about global warming

    Canadians care about global warming even though it will improve their climate.

    that's just a few

    Now don't get me wrong, my family has been in the States for a hundred years before it was the States and I love the premiss of the good Ole U.S.A.. It's just my Good Ole U.S.A. has been taken over by religious extremists. Funny that's sort of what my family came here to get away from.

  5. Haha you saw the movie "Canadian Bacon." :). Alright I'm a nice, friendly American who loves your country of Canada.  You don't need to bash me because I like Canada as much as you do.

    My experience is that Canada is quite similar to the US actually, except the people are friendlier, the roads are less populated, the signs are in both English and French, and there's a sense of social unity with Canadian folks that's not as apparent in the states.

    I appreciate what makes Canadians what they are and keep feeling the urge to go back, even in winter. I love purposely going north to Canada during January, just to show I'm a brave soul.

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