
What do you think it would take for you to begin to Remember to Keep the Sabbath unto God?

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I supose I should have mentioned the REAL Sabbath, seventh day Sabbath, the only Sabbath.




  1. The Sabbath has always been the Sabbath...

    man must comprehend that he himself is not god and does indeed answer to a higher authority...

    man does not comprehend that he is still an uneducated child that is refusing to listen to parental direction...

    ( when Father comes back we are in real trouble!!)

    we are living in the end times, the toe nails if we are lucky....

    I try not to dwell too long on the thought of the actuality of the vast numbers of the lost....I might go in to clean the closet and never come out again....

    I have a difficult time comprehending that most people are simply too lazy, chosen to be ignorant, self absorbed to  even check out the possibility!!!

    But they must take classes to use their I-pod, can't live with out the I-pod or the next electronic do hickey...

    MUST watch reality tv, the next hollywird stupid star with silicone body parts...they worship  at the plastic church of saint barbie and ken....

    and they Question GOD???

    SDA me...

  2. answer: 3 possibilities - 1) Becoming Jewish

    2)  Becoming Christian

    3)  becoming a member of a cult-like sect of Christianity

    I don't think any of those are in my near future, thanks

  3. You mean we are not to put the Lord FIRST? (worship him on the 1st day of week; '2 ormore witnesses principle APPLIED)!!!

  4. The fear of God

  5. Going to church every Sunday might help.--Learning what it means to keep the Sabbath might help also.

  6. You have every right to believe and practise your own religion, but pushing it down other people's throat is what really turns me off.  Mind your own business and we'll get along just fine.

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