
What do you think makes a good waiter/waitress?

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When do you want to punch your waiter/waitress?

When you do you think he/she is the bestever?




  1. i think a really good nature and a big smile comes first then telling your customer a detail about the food which is good and which is not. giving then good deal

    and a warm good bye

  2. Kind, respectful, and quick

    A people person, knows when to leave the table alone and when to check up on it...

    I dont like it when they act fake... or make it seem like theyr tired of doing their job and talking to ppl. I mean hey, if ur going to act like that, then why bother.

  3. Best waitress - Pretty and polite (wife material)

    want to punch them when they display a rude impatient attitude. (you pay for that)

    best ever? Pretty, polite and you get her number so she can come round and cook private dinners for you. Nice. ( talking about females as in waitresses)

  4. when they keep coming back to make sure im not out of ranch or soda, i think they need to do this for me if not they dont get a tip

  5. I was a waitress for years and years. I would never say that I wanted to punch a server!! I mean, unless they spit in my food or something, but even if service is slow, you have to take it in stride.

    Good waitress qualities...

    1. Ability to read a table - Some want to talk and chat you up, others want "silent service". Be able to tell the difference and treat the table accordingly.

    2. Multi-Task - As a waitress, you'll have a million things going on at once, i.e. waiting on 3+ tables, doing sidework like keeking everything stocked and running food.

    3. Being polite - There are times the server wants to punch the rude customers, but they have to keep their composure and let it go.

    Servers should not be lazy or absent-minded, but everyone has their moments. Servers are people too, actually, they are some of the most genuine and best people ever!

  6. I never want to physically attack a waiter/waitress, or any person actually. If I get a waiter that doesn't pay attention or who is lacking enthusiasm, I will cut the tip or in a case of rudeness, there will not be a tip. If its bad food, that gets a call to the manager and I leave a full tip, bad food is not the waitress's fault, making me wait for coffee without an explanation is.

    The most recent rudeness was at a family place, where they put the coffee in a Thermos. The lid stuck and when it opened I pour hot coffee all over myself. The waitress threw some napkins on the table and when I asked for more coffee she said "try not to spill it this time." Really.

  7. manners gretting them when they have came back from places

  8. kindness,promptness, and must keep good eye out for refills when needed and checks up on u every so often

  9. Some years ago I was in Indianapolis eating breakfast at the Steak 'N' Shake that used to be across the highway from the Indy 500 Raceway when I came across a front page article in the Indianapolis daily paper about new robots a company had invented that would replace waiters and waitresses!

    I showed it to my waitress, a friendly, spunky young lady, and this was her response:

    "Ain't no robot gonna replace me! A robot don't have my personality!"

    THAT, to me, is what makes a good waitress.

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