
What do you think makes a good wrestling match?

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What do you think makes a good wrestling match?




  1. Lots of near falls for everyone involved.

  2. IMO when they dont repeat the same signature moves like the last HHH vs Cena match, when there are nearfalls and when the match lasts for longer than 15 minutes,

    That or any match with HBK in it :)

  3. cena vs michaels III

    an action packed match with a lot of fast agile moves

    that will be talked about in the future

  4. Many things make a match, a good or great match. I think near falls and lots of back and forth action, I also enjoy it when a referee gets knocked out and someone interferes, I love hardcore wrestling and blood, there are to many to name, every fan likes different wrestling though

  5. I think a good wrestling match would be a match in which the two wrestlers were actually wrestling instead of acting for the audience.

  6. 1) brawl around the arena to get the crowd hype up.

    2) lots of near falls.

    3) reversing finishing moves and signature moves.

    4) get out of the submission hold by grabing the ropes or reversing it.

  7. Good chain wrestling by both guys - i would say makes it good.

    I think things like the story the match tells itself. You need to people to go in there and tell a story with their moves so people will believe what they are watching and will think just for that moment that it is real.

    You cannot have Wrestlers underselling and overselling their moves because it just ruins it. It also needs decent timing too. Working the Crowd helps - taunts...anything really. Heat, Chants, Cheats - whatever it is it helps the match.

    The chemistry between the Wrestlers, the build up and the move selling is also very important. A legitimate fight needs to be put across. They need to give that match their all in my opinion for it to be that good. Definitly near falls too as It makes the crowd go wild. It also MUST last for more than 15 minutes, Some matches only last 6 minutes these days, not enough time to build excitement. You need two good wrestlers. Not a just one good one and a jobber.

    A Reason to be there, you need something on the line or a grudge - it really makes the match alot more interesting and the outcome too. Also, a surprising ending and some good old action. I think it also needs exciting spots and good entrances that hype up the match and the crowd. Suspense is also a good thing too, it really gets you into it. And also i love the things which make you say 'WOW! Did he really just do that?!'

    Unexpected 2 counts. I like seeing guys kick out that I don`t expect to. It makes you wonder who will actually win. A good annoucer also helps bring things to the match. It really makes it better and hypes it up just that bit more. Oh and i also love a good Heel vs Heel match. Makes you wonder who the Crowd will side with.

    There are plenty of things that contribute to a good match not just one thing.

  8. alot of near falls

    got to reverse alot

    go to make contact with the audience

    they have to hit each other so much that people be awed

    hbk is the best he showstopper he has best matches wm 12 he beat cena he beat evryone

  9. Well when the two guys go back and fourth and lots of near falls!

  10. when the crowd gets hyped in the match , back to back punches , near pins fall and i kinda like I love hardcore wrestling(lol) with alot of weapons, violence and blood,

  11. Synergy. The way the superstars work together to produce a smooth, cohesive match. Guys(or Gals) doing dangerous moves to the naked eye, but a close review shows complete control and the utmost care for their partner in the ring. Creativity. Athleticism. Moderate charisma - too much and it looks fake.

    And to have a great match (not just a good one) all of the above must be turned up as many notches as possible, as well as the putting of one's body on the line for the sake of the performance.  

  12. To me  a Good match is nothing without  a live crowd cheering on the other wrestlers, because it makes both wrestlers  want to put on a better match or better show for the live crowd. now if the crowd is dead during the match,  then the wrestlers are going to have a hard time, puting on a good match for the viewers

    Then comes the next part in making a great wrestling match, which starts with the wrestlers ,themselves   if both wrestlers give it there all by puting on a show that no one will forget, then mostly there match will be remember, and talk about for days or months. but if  only one wrestler is giving it there all and carry the other wrestler. then there match will not be as remember as much or enjoyable.

  13. three simple reasons.

    1.Skills and the wreslters selling moves/using a variety of them.

    2.Getting the crowd involved/emotions.

    3.A fast paced math at some points and a brawle at one point so there's awlays somehting new and unpredictable.

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