
What do you think motivated MCain to want to take Palin from her house to the White House?

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What do you think motivated MCain to want to take Palin from her house to the White House?




  1. The fact that her husband works for an Oil Company and she's in Alaska, and he's for drilling .....mix those ingredents up, and you have a rich Republican that looks to get richer. And he's also trying to get the female vote.

  2. He wants to win.

  3. cuz he's a perv and she's kinda hot for an old woman

  4. There's always treachery afoot in politics.

  5. Only one thing comes to mind: Credibility!

  6. I think he was trying to capitalize on the "women's" appeal from Hilary Clinton.  However, what he doesn't realize is that his thinly veiled approach to winning over women is not to simply request a running mate that looks like us, but to get one that wants to protect us... oh, I don't know, by protecting Roe vs. Wade.

  7. Desperation.   And maybe he wants something new waiting in the wings once Cindy gets her first wrinkle.

  8. 1. To appear like he was part of the "common folk" (because you know we are all hunters and fishers).

    2. To cash in on whatever power she has over Alaskan oil drilling (and of course being consistent with destroying the environment while killing endangered Alaskan wolves).

    3. To make it seem like the Republican party was innovative with historic change (first woman), although everyone can see through this superficiality.

    4. To appear softer, younger, hipper, but in reality- he appears absolutely ridiculous.

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