
What do you think must be the solution on macedonian problem?

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what do you mean weird?




  1. The solution must be one

    They keep the name they had before Tito,which is Vardarska.

    Their language will be called as it is ..Bulgarian with little serbian,and their ethnicity would be SlavoVardarians..

    The ideal would be to be devided at two,so Albanian would take  their part....:)

    edit: lady S,it was a joke ,it has a smiling face at the end....althought they dream of thaking greece,i dont have problem about their border,unless they not botther ours

    edit again:yes i do it because it has fun :P .Maybe I am s****t!!!!:P

  2. Since they love Bush so much they should call that piece of land Bushistan. It's so simple and everyone would be happy.Yia sou Ellada me tin Makedonia sou!!!!!

  3. Of course, I wish all the best to Macedonians, we used to be in the same country (I'm from ex-Yugoslavia myself). I'm used to the name Macedonia, because it has been called that way my whole life (and much longer). As far as I'm concerned, they could keep the name, but if Greeks have a problem with that, I guess they will have to sort it out with Greeks. But one thing has to be said: They are not and can't be descendants of ancient Macedonians, because they are Slavs and they came to the Balkans much later.

    To I'm Macedonian: Of course the mixing between people occurred everywhere during all these centuries, but generally, you can't consider today's Slavic Macedonians to be descendants of ancient Macedonians.

    To Vasiliki: It's really not so nice of you to give such mean answers about Macedonia. Just because Greece has some problems with Macedonia, doesn't mean you should want to see problems there and want the country to stop existing. How would you feel if someone said something like that about Greece?

    EDIT: Even if it was a joke, I have noticed that you always try to get them upset... LOL :)

  4. you know what, it's not the name that bothers me so much, as is the history. fyromians claim that they are macedonians from the ancient GREEK macedonia; they use the vergina star and claim alexander the great was not greek and did not spread the greek civilization. but can this be? slavs came in the balkans in the byzantine years, years after the concept of (ancient) greece.

    or am i wrong?

    [edit] oh yes, it seems that i actually am ''a little'' wrong! right, it wasn't a city-state, it was a kingdom-state (kratos-vasileio).

  5. I read some answers of yours from the past nakis and I find them weird. There is something strange about you, maybe I am wrong, maybe not.

    This is an answer of mine from the past. Enjoy.

    I think a solution will be found. Both sides will make a step back and we will have:

    1. A new name like "New Macedonia"

    2. For all users (oxi dipli onomasia ennow)

    3. and after we recognise them with the new name, they will not called New Macedonians, just Macedonians.


    I am afraid of that solution more than I am afraid of the problem.

    a solution at this point, with these Greek politicians, will have the term Macedonia and this is

    1. very dangerous : they will keep dreaming about the Greek Macedonia (which they think we occupy)

    2. it will be a great insult for our generation and a shame to generations to come because we didn't manage to defend the name of a Greek civilization. it will be a disgrace to our history.;...

    Macedonia wasn't a city state, it was a Kingdom.

    Edit, Yes, it was a vasilion, the difference was in the political system, the Macedonias had a King.

    At skopian:

    All the Macedonian Kings had Greek names and spoke only Greek, not Bulgarian.

    Edit: you called the civil war as a racist war and I got suspicious about you because that war is being used by the fyromian propaganda. Anyway, sorry if I was wrong, anthropoi eimaste, lathoi kanoume.

  6. Very simple: Republic of Macedonia for everybody and even for our dear neighbour Greece!

    Greetings from Macedonia...

  7. We don't need to think nothing...the situation is very clear!

    Just say Macedonia and get over it:)

  8. well, see, i don't think that we, as greek people have something to separate with the FYROM people... the only issue that we have is the name... well i cannot say that they have to be called makedonians as this name is absolutely greek.. but we don't have t argue about this all the time... i cannot see any solution forward except of our presidents to have a discussion and then decide and find a whole acceptance sollution.. i mean solution that will be well for both sides..

    Now, we, as common people, and fyrom citizens mustn't arguing... we are not neatrdals...

  9. Give FYRO'M' their original name, because they have no idea what they are talking about.

  10. If the Greek governments were seriously concerned about the problem they could have have it solved in a month.

    Standing at Evzoni border point, was able to see it with one glance. Something like 15-20 lorries going through every hour and I counted 30 containers on a single train.

    Harder procedures to get their raw materials into their country and a tighter taxation policy on their exports.

    That would have made the trick. But Capitalism in its infinite manipulation of international laws in general, allows the People of Skopjie to make demands today,  and tomorrow they will be asking for anything .

  11. Vasiliki is very very smart girl.. listen to her... i got to run doctors appointment ..will add later......

  12. No compromise, I agree with Vasiliki.

    The Fyrom they have is more than enough.  They have spread the world with their fictional maps including MY HOUSE in it.  It is not the name,  and not the past (at least not only) it is the future they are dreaming of.  They should be named West Bulgaria ...... .or Far North Africa... or even became the last state of the US...Why not the history can change and they know it too well.

  13. it would be better if fyrom kept its original name. and that is Vardarska

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