
What do you think my chances are against CSA?...?

by Guest33240  |  earlier

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I'm attending CSA tribunal and am going to try to get them to implement the CSA reforms because they keep demanding my partners financial details... Do you think they'll do it or risk Human Rights issues?... & they can never get the assessments right - took 18months to get it wrong!...




  1. Why do people not want to help pay for their own children?  It's just sick.

  2. they have no right to involve your partner ..tell em to get lost

  3. I take it your on CS1, pre 2003 case. In such cases your housing costs are taken into account in your assessment, hence the income that your partner has, which is going into the house, has an effect on the amount of money you have available and hence the assessment can be changed.

    Now rough rule of thumb is that if your partners income is lower then you, your assessment won't change. However if your partners income is higher then your assessment from the CSA will increase.

    This has been a problem for a long time and is quite unfair, hence the change when CS2 was introduced. On CS2 the income of the non resident parent is used and no regard to the new partners income is taken.

    In most cases failure to supply new partners income will mean that the CSA assessment will be higher, as they assume that housing is being paid by the partner.

    If you are getting a tribinal for that alone I think you will fail as it has been tried before. But you never know. Best of luck

    Just to confirm pre 2003 cases take into account housing costs and therefore partners income has an effect on the assessments. On new cases post 2003 then the assessment is done on only on your income (15% after tax) and the need for any partners information is not required for the assessment unless you are claiming that you have children living with you. But no income data is required of your partners is required under CS2

  4. good luck, the whole thing is pathetic - if your ex has a new partner he won't have his finances taken in2 account, but yet your new partner will even if she has her own kids, the whole thing is beyond ridiculous. you'll probably be taken to court and threatened with jail eventually

  5. if you live with your new partner, then their financial details will have to be taken into account.

    i was on the receiving end of this, when my (now ex) partner had to complete the csa forms for her other son and her ex, I had to provide all of my financial details - and was penalised for it - she has now started the CSA proceedings with me - and Im soooo tempted to see how much i have had to pay out previously could be taken into account lol.

  6. My now husband didn't pay CSA for years, when i met him i told him to start paying it and get it sorted, They never asked for my details even when we lived together and now we are married they still haven't asked for my details.

    I did hear the CSA are going out and it will be handed ti government.

    Good Luck

  7. I would say the extent of issue regarding the prognostication are likely null. Notwithstanding the former attempt I am not sanguine regarding this matter. I'd suffer through this with a thought towards a paradigm shift in strategy regarding this and other matters not mentioned.

  8. Its your child you should pay for it. You have no chance with the CSA and they will get your partners financial details regarding their income as the old rules only needed the fathers income but the new rules that came into force a few years ago takes the other partners income income into use as CSA payments is now decided on the total household income minus mortgage etc

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