
What do you think my child may be? boy or girl?

by  |  earlier

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my girlfriend is 17weeks preg as of friday. we got to hear the babies heart beat. it was at 163 a min. is it possible to tell what it is by the heart beat? i just cant wait 3 more weeks to hope and find out. oh, and what about this? im thinking of starting my childs savings acct b4 it is even here by telling family and friends it will cost 5 to know for them selves or wait till its here. good idea or what




  1. There is no way to tell from a heartbeat

  2. It's gonna be a baby lobster. Congratulations.

    Baby shower invite please?

  3. boy

  4. Gender cannot be determined by heartbeat.  You'll have to wait for a sonogram, or if the baby isn't cooperative, you might even have to wait for the baby to show up, just like in the good old days.

  5. heartbeat doesnt matter on the s*x

    youre gonna charge family members to know the s*x of the baby. sorry thats being a con artist and lame

  6. I hope it's a boy :)

  7. wade, first of all, congrats!!!  As far as I know, you can't tell by that.  Good idea about the savings account.  Good luck!!!

  8. im for one guessing a boy..  

  9. I think your child should be Boba Fett, that would be sweet.

  10. Well they say you feel completly different if your pregnant with a different s*x that you had already been pregnant with. So say your girlfriend already has a son and when she was pregnant with him she never got sick. Now she's pregnant and she's getting sick all the time. She's probly having a girl. It's happen with my mom and alot of her friends.

  11. EXACTLY 163 beats per minute?  Hermaphrodite.

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