
What do you think my dream means??

by  |  earlier

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(my dream) Okay so I was at like this giant group function with everyone in my school

grades 7-12

and my and my crush (for 9 months, who has liked me back) went outside by a lake

he jumped in and then wanted me to come in, i said no but then he pulled me in

we swam for a little then got out soaking wet

then my music teacher (we are both in band) came up to us as said "this is not a place for fun"

then i dont remember anymore

(real life facts)

my crush has a girl friend

and we used to be best friends (me and him)

but we drifted apart

we used to like eachother too

then tonight he was performing at a play

his gf was on one side of the theater and i was on the other

and everyone saw him looking at me a lot

but he says they are really happy together


what do you think my dream means?




  1. Dreams don't necessarily mean anything. It's just your mind wandering randomly while you sleep. Don't bother trying to decode them. It's a waste of time.  (:

  2. i  think it meens that in ur mind, u know that you 2 have drifted apart and u want to be friends again.

  3. not an expert on this, but by the sounds of it, it was just something that entertained you in your sleep.

  4. it means ur both very close and you found something about him that you love in a guy becasue your close. And your dreamin about him becasue he is the close guy to you.

  5. Sounds like you still have feelings for him. Since he has a girlfriend it's better not to pursue a friendship with him at this time, especially if either of you has feelings for the other.

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