
What do you think my dream means? ?

by  |  earlier

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I don't usually remember my dreams, but remember a dream I had last night in vivid detail.

I was leaving a job and had received some presents from my colleagues. These were a handful of good luck cards (one containing lots of five pound notes); a small cardboard box full of very pretty gemstones - all different colours and sizes with two silver chains to hang them on and a gold locket in the shape of a heart. I was delighted with the presents, but did not know who had given me what and was worried that I would thank the wrong people for the gifts.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.




  1. you are scared that you may be helping the wrong person which someone else may benefit from in your life right now, just follow you insticnits  

  2. It means that you are very confused, otherwise you would not have written in.  Are you working?  Is everything ok at work?  Is your job a gift from God (a blessing?).  Are you worried about your luck (future?).  What is your money situation like?  Perhaps their just jewels?  But they are colourful, there's a chain, and a gold locket: hard substances, colourful, consisting of specific materrals.  What has happened lately?  There is no way of sorting out who gave you what persent.  It is best to let the situation drop, after this with your own breif examination, of facts, because different interpretations will drive you nutty, which is why I am dealing with facts.  You are the olnly person who can interpret the dream and if God is trying to tell you something, He will keep persisting.  Thank god for all good things, and pray about anaything!      

  3. could be your getting no thanks for all your effort at work.


    very helpfull dream interpretion site, i use it for my dreams and its very very serious and logical, sry im not of further assistance,  

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