
What do you think my friend meant by this?

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ok so i used to be best friends with this girl in the begining of last year...and then we started to drift a little bit but we still were friends & we talked and stuff..but then we didnt hangout for a sometimes i would ask her to hangout & she would say sure but it never workrd out or she would just igore my texts... i dont think shes asked me to hangout for a LONG time..and then she asked if i wanted to get lunch with her today...i was surprised but happy

and in my cell originally she was under hilary loves you. and right when we got out of the car shes like can i have ur phone...and im like yeah whyy. and shes like i wanan change what im under..and she changed it to hilary misses you

what do u think she means by that? like she misses me after being away and not seeing me for a month (she went to greece) or she misses our friendship?




  1. Maybe she realized what she had after being away.

    Me?  I'd be a little care full.  You should remember how she treated you before she left.  It hurt your feelings.  Give her a chance but just be aware...

    Good Luck. I hope it works out.

  2. both and quit trying to read too much into other peoples thoughts

  3. sounds like to me she just plain ol misses you.  she probably more so just misses you physically.  cause she cant miss your friendship, cause your oviously still friends.  im sure she just misses see ing you all the time and being so close.  i can only imagine if one of my close friends went to a different country.  i would miss them like crazy.

    Hope everything works out and the two of you stay friends for a life time.

  4. she missed you when she was away. but she also misses what yous use to have together.... maybe yous will hang out more now. one thing i learner in high school was it goes by sooo fast. i just finished grade 12 in June... and i wish me and my friends had hung out waaay more. now were all drifting apart, and going to school. if you guys mean alot to each other than try to make up for lost time!

    my friend is gone away for 2 weeks and it sucks, but only 1 week left...

    and another i have not talked to and hung out with in like a year or more. now its so awkward when we talk- we use to be able to tell each other everything. hope that helps.

  5. I think she was missing you both ways.

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