
What do you think my generation will be remembered for? ?

by Guest21401  |  earlier

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- I am 21 years old

- I will choose the best answer after 3 hours ONLY




  1. I'm 20, and I believe that thins generation is the beginning of the end of many things.

    We're the sons and daughters of baby boomers and generation Xers. Our parents either pampered us and spoiled us so much that we have a total lack of any fiscal responsibility, or they taught us about how to save the environment and start individual revolutions. I think some of us will be the end of the "me, me, me" mindset, but only once we outnumber those of us who are eating off a silver platter.  

  2. Voting for a black president. OBAMA ALL THE WAY!!!

  3. Playing computer games all day, eating junk food and not exercising, resulting in a massive epidemic of obesity and diabetes with huge costs both financially and socially.

  4. voting for obama............a BLACK MAN!!!

  5. The childless generation.  In the developed world, your generation will have relatively few children.

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