
What do you think my sunsign is?

by  |  earlier

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and why? am out going and love making friends, but am shy when feel intimidated. love movies, books, guys, shopping, drawing, beer, and sleeping. hate cooking [am horrible at it], good with kids. love doing others work for them, hate doing my own. love travelling, hate unpacking. love saying really strange things that don't make sense, change my hairdo whenever bored, have a phobia of water, love being alone in nature at night and watching others. what do you make of that and why?




  1. you are an earth sign.. because of the love of nature. i think you're either a virgo or capricorn.

  2. Pisces

  3. at first i thought leo... but the being alone in nature at night and observant nature struck me as a virgo, if only an outgoing one.

    then again it will be hard to determine what your sun sign is only from description. there are a lot of other signs that also influence your personality, like your "rising" sign.

    to determine your rising sign and find out more info, see here:

    and you can browse a little bit too. cafe astrology is mostly where i learned about astrology

  4. sagittarius

  5. capricorn???

  6. I'd say you're either a Libra or a Cancer.  Just a guess.

  7. I am very similar to you ... and I am a capricorn, are you ?

  8. It is 'starsign' and your personality doesn't matter, your star sign is based on your date of birth...

  9. taurus

  10. Imma go with


  11. Virgo...

  12. Scorpio or Libra

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