
What do you think my teacher was assuming?

by  |  earlier

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Me and a teacher at my school had a conversation, one to do with things other than just school. Things like my friends, etc. I was telling him how they were acting really cold and asking what was going on and I had told them something IS going on but nothing I'd bring up to anyone and to just give me time. The teacher asked me what the thing was that was going on and I told him it was nothing to worry about. He asked me "Nothing like problems at home?" and I told him no. I sort of muttered quickly "It's just not healthy." I'm pretty sure he caught that. So what do you think he was assuming?

I mean, what do you think he thought was the problem?




  1. a deth or helth of som1

  2. Your teacher was assuming that you were a master of riddles because neither you nor your question makes sense.

    "...Things like my friends, etc. I was telling him how they were acting really cold and asking what was going on and I had told them something IS going on but nothing I'd bring up to anyone and to just give me time...."

    First of all before we go once more on the abuse stage let's look at the comment above. This comment is directed at her friends not parents so for any wizard answering here to arrive at abuse they clearly failed to understand a very confusing question unless the students are the abusers.

    This is just a  mish mash question that is hard to understand.

  3. I think your teacher, who is a mandated reporter, thought you might be telling him that there was abuse at home and he wanted to make sure he wasn't missing something he had to report.  He also sounds like a nice guy and may have been worried about you.

  4. mumbo mumbo

    I suppose

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