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ok i wanna go on b.c for my periods. should i say to my mother "mum, can i go on b.c for my period cramps, im not sexually active nor am i plannin on becoming sexually active, i think itll be better so i aint missing time from school with cramps"




  1. I'd leave the last sentence out. Are you old enough to have this conversation with your doctor without tellign your mother. If you thin she will get that upset. I'm 31 and my daughter will be on some method as soon as she enters her highschool years. It's not worth the risk. Just be honest with your mother. If that doesnt work talk to your doctor.

  2. Be completely honest with her. Dont suffer because you think she'll think bad of your request. Hopefully she will trust you 100% and understand. However depending on your age, it should be in your mum's best interest to promote contraception to either way should work in your favour. Good luck x

  3. If you're honest, that's fine. But it won't protect you from STDs.

    Also, it mightn't agree with you, which is what happened to me. If you do get bad cramps, try Evening Primrose Oil capsules and multivitamins.  

  4. go for your annual before school.  Tell your doctor that you want to go on BC and have him prescribe them for you to relieve cramps etc. . . if a doctor prescribes a medication what can a parent say?

  5. Maybe instead of asking straight out for BC to solve the problem you could ask your mom if the two of you could make an appointment to talk to your doctor about ways to deal with the cramps.  You may find a way that works for you that doesn't involve the BC pills.  But you'll also have the chance to ask your doctor about the good and bad points of using the pill for this.

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