
What do you think now that Iowa, Minnesota, and New Mexico going blue for Obama? Former Bush Strongholds!?

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Minnesota (home of the RNC convention)- Obama 53-41


new mexico- 53-40

Obama- 243

McCain- 189

toss-up states are turning out to be bluer and bluer. It's incredible. I think Virginia is next!

The blue-collar areas that are republican firewalls are incredibly turning to Barack Obama's side. A lot of the areas Bush carried are going toward Barack and not McCain which is alarming to the republicans.

so much for holding the convention by Minnesota.

Reported by Wolf Blitzer and John King on CNN's situation room!




  1. Just go ahead and give Artemis the best answer

    Times are changing and people are fed up with the repeatedly failed policys of the conservatives

  2. I try not to get my hopes up....I have done it before and gotten burned.

  3. Yeah...I believe it because I live in the DC-MD-VA area and the local politics...even right down to the county I live in turned over from Republican to Democrat since 2006....I mean it from local, state, and congressional government...People are simply fed up with the GOP and I believe this is an indication that the times are a 'changin.....

  4. Minnesota was never a Bush stronghold.   They voted for Kerry, but whatever makes your point I guess..  You're obviously a democrat.  You've learned to make up facts.

  5. Interestingly enough, the same was said about Kerry four years ago. How did that turn out?

    The difference between now and then was that Kerry was far more ahead in the polls than Obama is today.

  6. This is one time when the polls are not accurate.  If you look at history, democrates have always lead the polls about this time before the election.  

  7. WHEN was Minnesota a Bush stronghold? It's always been blue. And Bush won Iowa only in 2004, and that was only by 0.3 points. Same for New Mexico, but by 1.4 points. Also, Maryland and DC are blue states and VA is a battleground state (it's actually tied there, no one's winning), so that's not terribly surprising either. If Obama was winning Texas, then you might have something to go on.

  8. Because he has been in the media for the last three weeks.  

  9. I think it's very sad that people are just voting for this guy because of his ethnicity because he certainly has not done more than Palin and she is just running for the VP.

    It's amazing how desperate the Democrats are putting O-BUM-A up for election to rally the disenfranchised black vote and nutty bleeding heart white vote.

    Palin is the real deal.  Obama is a joke and will be shown as a fraud.

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