
What do you think of 19 minutes?

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I just read the book by Jodi Picoult because it was one of my summer reading books. Personally I hated it. I felt that she was exploiting the topic of school shootings which was made even more obvious by putting her picture on the back cover. The book was terribly written and was just a harlequin romance book using school shootings to sell copies. The only thing Jodi Picoult understood about teenagers was that that they have a terrible vocabulary which she expressed. I got tired of the metaphors she constantly used to seem smart that were entirely pointless and her repulsive attempts to seem 'deep'. The whole book was cheesy. She was trying to be a minimalist, but it came off as poorly written. I know I'm really really harsh. I'm just looking for what other people think about it.




  1. Nineteen Minutes obviously wasn't a fabulous piece of literature that will change the face of Earth, but I enjoyed it.

    I truly don't understand how you consider her novel to be exploiting school shootings.  That's like saying writing a novel about car accident is exploiting car accidents, or saying that writing about a murder is exploiting murders.  It's silly!  If authors did not write about situations like that, then what would they write about?

    As for the tired-out metaphors and you calling it poorly written, can you go into more detail?  By all means, list multiple examples.

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