
What do you think of America?

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Do you think the people are fair? Is the system is fair to you? What are some things you disagree about? What's america's biggest flaw to you? Do you love or hate this country and the way they handle certain situations?




  1. The system is flawed as any system is, but for the most part, it works. I know that I have the ability to change my own future, I am not stuck in some "caste" system that keeps me down. I have a lot of rights other people are not fortunate enough to have--and I have the soldiers since the beginning of time to thank for that.

  2. I agree with Bruce J when he says that American are uneducated an egocentric. Everyday at work I experience this and it is so bad.People pass by you , don't even say Good morning. Other seems to be mad and full of hate. The majority have too much and don't appreciate what they have.talking about fair system it leas in the  work place it is not because so many  honest people are fired from a crook employee . In School System the principals have too much power to fire people and they abuse it. and they make too much money to work so little. Where are the Legislators? They need to work harder making Laws to protect us from those "Powerfull School Principals"America The Greed." it has so many other good things like any other place in the planet.

  3. Definitely has a superiority complex....which is a problem because it doesn't allow you to focus on you're flaws....which means you cannot address your flaws....which means they fester and become serious issues.

    War on Drugs...a bust

    Corporate personhood.....a bust

    Belief that pre-emptive war to stop a potential threat is okay....very dangerous philosophy that breeds more war

    MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX....the grandaddy of them all

    etc. etc.

    America is like the super talented person with lots of potential who could have developed a cure for cancer or something and instead spent their time getting drunk and talking about how awesome they were {WERE}.....we're slippin HARD.

  4. Winston Churchill once said, "Democracy is the worst form of government-with the exception of everything else."

    I think what he meant by this is that there is no perfect government.  However, we have the freedom to seek improvement without being put in prison for voicing our opinions.  

    Whether you love or hate George W. Bush, he was elected by the people-twice-and is winding down his term.  When the new president takes over, the military will not be needed to enforce the election results. While they may not like it, the people accept the decision of the electorate.  This one thing is probably the greatest thing about this country.  

  5. I think that Americans are, for the most part, egocentric and uneducated.  They tend to think that this country is 'the greatest on Earth', even though most of them have never lived abroad.  Most of them don't get involved in their government (or even make a small gesture, like exercising their right to vote).  They are easily led by the media, close minded to new ideas, etc, etc, etc....

  6. I don't think anyone or anything is fair, there is not enough room or words to describe what I or anyone would disagree on. The biggest flaw is our politicians; they have let the people down. I don't love or hate this country.  Its little pockets of people that make things bearable.  As a whole we should be doing things better than anyone in the world but that is not the case obviously.  Too much greed, no one has any nads to what needs to be done, Capitalist government, capitalist society...

  7. I dont hate the people but i certainly dont like the government.I believe the american government is the the number one hypocritical government  in the world.

    For a false claim ( supposedly having weapons of mass destruction) they destroyed iraq and its ancient history, killed innocent people etc.... and yet they call others terrorist when in fact they are the real terrorists

    What did Iraq ever do to them?

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