
What do you think of America?What do you think the people there?

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Just curious !!!




  1. Wow, you'll get no Bible rant from me!

    As an American having lived both inside and outside of America, here are my thoughts:

    Americans, like any other people are hard to generalize. There are many amazing people here and there are many dull people here as well. I would say that Americans are too concerned with money. We put our financial situation before our family and our friends, even before our own health (look at the privitized insurance issues we're dealing with). When I was in Africa, Ireland, and Japan people were more concerned with family and friends than the focus of job and finances people are concerned with here.

    I'm amazed at the number of people donating blood after disasters like 9-11, but we will walk past a homeless person on the street and fail to notice that they are a human being.

    To our credit, Americans do tend to be hard working, and long laughing. We are very innovative, and assume that there is no challenge that cleverness cannot overcome.

    But, as I said, with any generalizations of a people, there are bound to be exceptions both ways.

  2. 1.The best and the worst people are living  in America.

    2.We can see the most Godly people as well as the most ungodly people  there.

    3. It is human nature ,that when people become rich & have plenty of food ,they become ungodly & immoral.

    4. The free -s*x culture in America is just an unimaginable thing in most other Estern countries .

    ( there are sexual crimes in all countries .But it  is condemned by the culture .But in America it is taken easy and just goes uncondemned......which is a very sad thing.

    5. A report says that the 41 % of the Cyber Space Income is derived from Pornographic industries . This will lead the whole world 2 quick destruction.It should b urgently checked.( The whole world is greatly spoilt by this ).

    6. Proper Teaching on s*x ,marriage & family -Tie should b given to the Americans.

    7."  One man - One wife " culture should b promoted & encouraged.

    8. The birth of b******s  should b lessened , controlled & even prevented.

    9.  Another survey says that 51% of American children have

    " s*x "as their hobby....!    Proper   Researches should b undertaken 2 prevent this  false culcture .

    10.  Virginity ,Chastity & Purity of  both s*x should b hailed & honoured.

    11. During a DNC ,the baby in the womb is torn in to pieces with the help of metal rods & forks .Human babies r killed & taken out as small pieces of flesh & bones  .It is a great inhuman thing .People should not consider it to b their right  & continue 2 do such things including abortion , foeticide & infanticide.

    12. Media which amass money by spoiling ( morally ) the minds of young people & damaging the culture of the Nation should b brought  under proper  Restrictions.

    Such groups amass money in the cost of their Nation & her people.

    13. America must b a typical & exemplary Nation in all her Political as well as Humanitarian policies & principles. She must behave in such a manner to win the confidence of the whole humanity .

    14. In the name of Freedom ,many bad & unwanted things r going on in America .Such things should b watched keenly & brought before justice.

    15. I find some hypocracy in Amerca .America always boasts 2 b  a highly developed nation. O.K. It is always great & good. But there r a certain group of poor ,needy & neglected people in a most pathotic situation in America . America should search for such people & extend her urgent  helping-hand  to them.

    16. It is a great misfortune (now a days ) ,that America allows Enrty for some unwanted people ,& Refuses Entry for a certain group of people who have a very great Love,concern  & respect for America.

    17.( Socially speaking  ) ,America waters & manures  the eatable mushrooms as well as the poisonous mushrooms in a same time .Can't America stop watering and manuring the Poisonous Mushrooms ..........?!

    18. Americans should acknowledge without doubt r hesitation that their half-nacked ( &  full-nacked culture ) corrupts the society great. In the same climate ,people of many other nations dress properly  , neatly & decently .

    19. America must know that  Freedom's  other name is " Suicide-capsule ". Too much of  freedom will lead only to down-falls .

    20. All people can b given proper  Pre-marital counsellings ,so that they can understand what marriage is ,& will try their level best to avoid Divorce. American women must know that  God has made woman  2 b under man .

    Man must without doubt Love woman .( & )

    Woman must obey man .

    This is the eternal and Biblical  Formula of human Life .

    " Wives ,submit to your husbands as  to the Lord.

    For the husband is the head of the wife

    as Christ is the head of the church ,

    his body ,of which he is the Savior .

    Now as the church submits to Christ ,

    so also wives should submit

    to their husbands in everything.

    Husbands ,love your wives ,

    ,just as Christ loved the church

    and gave himself up for her ................"

    In this same way,husbands ought to love

    their wives as their own bodies.

    He who loves his wife loves himself.

    After all ,no one ever hated his own body ,

    but he feeds and cares  for it ,just as

    Christ does the church  - "

    (Bible : Ephesians 5:22-29 )

    If he is  really a  man (with that much of Love & Concern ) the woman will definitely Obey .........No doubt .

    If the woman is  typical with perfect Love ,Affection & Obedience ,he will definitely Love her.

    The problem is ,there is no man with Proper Love

    & hence ther is no woman with proper Obedience.

    Why should a man Love a woman who is not Obedient ? &

    Why should a woman Obey a man who is not Loving ...?

    There is no man to Love  &

    There is no woman to Obey .

    This is the thing which leads  a very greater percentage of couples in America  toward Divorce.

    A nation with a great  Divorce  rate & a nation where there is  no Virgins must hang her head in shame .

    The Pride of a nation chiefly depends upon the nonavailability  of Divorce  & upon the available  number of Virgins .Americans should understand these greater values of life.

    21. In all nations ,parents & relatives play a very important role in finding out a bridegroom for their daughter or a bride for their son.But ,in America , the life -patner is find out purely  by the boy or the by the girl  only .They come across datings & a long love affair also . ....which often result in bad consequences .

    Is there any Scripture r any other Literature recommending such a culture .If not ,...  then  what is the base 4 this culture....?

    22. I am greatly worried about the term which I hear from the American girls ," Test-drive ". This, I will say, the number one worst method  for a girl to find out her life-partner.If it is good ,what can b the difference between this Test-drive & adultery (or Prostitution ).

    23. I found a truth through my long-days' research .

    A nation's Prosperity or Adversity depends upon the Religious Scripture or the Literature the nation adores the most. It was the Bible-people who discovered America with a very great Intention to Worship  the Bible-God there .The Bible-people did great sacrifices to build up the nation. The founding Fathers of America never thought that one day America will throw away Bible and will b dominated by Non-Biblical  elements or people .They thought America will always  be a Christian dominant nation  .Hence they failed to mention certain Points with regard to the Bible ,Christianity & the Nation.But The great Book (  the Bible )which brought the people inside America is  greatly & inhumanly neglected , & it is almost kicked out of the nation through all means.Bible is just laughed at. Even the so-called Christians do not live by the Word of the Bible .America has prefered a Life which is entirely Opposite to the Rules and Conditions laid down by the Bible.....?

    America must know that even the  Peak Everest has a final point to climb up...

    America which neglects the Bible won't Prosper  any more..

    I am not cursing America ...I Love America  ..Yet , let me b true in sharing the Truth with u .

    A nation which is first 2 resopect the Bible will b the first in the world.



    ( Bible : 1 Samuel 2:30  )

    It is the Bible- God Who is capable of blessing  any nation with Peace around her borders. If a nation prefers an ungodly way , the LORD  will allow Enemies to Attack  & Disturb the nation .

    " When a man's ways are pleasing to the LORD ,

    he makes even his enemies live at peace with him ."

    ( Bible : Proverbs 16:7 )

    .If America really reflects God's Love , no nation is going 2 Hate or Disturb America.

    " But love your enemies and do good to them."

    ( Bible : Luke 6:35 )

    America should show out her Divine Love  2 others & not her human Weapons .No weapon will bring victory to any nation. Every nation must know this .

    " The horse is made ready for the day of battle,

    but victory rests with the LORD."

    ( Bible :Proverbs 21:31 )

    With God we are heros - but

    Without God we are zeros .

    All scientists and Science will oneday cheat & forsake the world .But the Word of God (the Bible) will help its followers live for ever ..

    " The righteous will flourish like a palm tree,

    they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon ."

    ( Psalm 92: 12 ).

    No doubt ,America is a Samson among nations .

    But one should know what happened to Samson when the spirit of God departed from him. Please  See what happened to the world's strongest man ............!

    " Then the Philistines siezed him,

    gouged out his eyes and took him down

    to Gaza.Binding him with bronze shackles,

    they set him grinding in prison."

    ( Bible : Judges 16:21 )

    America is leading a Life totally against the Laws of the Bible.All evils and immoralities  forbidden in the Bible are greatly flourishing in America. America has become the fertile land for all immoral things to grow well .America should stop to encourage all evil and Unbiblical things within her .Or she will fall down soon. She will lose Peace ,Strength & her  majesty .

    Bible is not at all a Book meant  only for the Christians .It is the Book for the whole humanity to read & be benefited.

    " Either this Book will keep one  away from sin  ,

    Or Sin will keep him away from this Book . "

    " Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom :

    She and her daughters were arrogant ,overfed and unconcerned ;they did not help the poor and needy.

    They were haughty and did detestable things before me .Therefore I did  away with them as you have seen ."

    ( Bible : Ezekiel 16:49-50 )

    If Americans  neglects the Bible ,God  too will neglect them & they will lose their Grip over the Nation ,&  they will b

    ruled by the (present ) silent Invaders.

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