
What do you think of Amy Winehouse?

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Think she's incredibly talented but her life is a mess. Seriously what do you think of her musically and personally?




  1. Her music and voice is great. I hope she can get better...

  2. She has good music but her behaviour is awful

  3. she has an amazing voice.. too bad about the drugs though

  4. Musicly I hate her she can't really sing and her songs get so annoying after they are played once.

    Personally I think she is a train wreck and shouldn't be allowed to represent America overseas or whereever she goes.

  5. Personally, I believe that Amy Winehouse has an AMAZING voice!

    I love every single one of her songs, and her album is defenatly one of my favourites!

    Although, as i'm sure many of you are aware.. Amy is addicted to drugs; people tend to not like her. Which I don't dissagree on.

    But when people cnstantly diss her, and continue to talk about it, it does get rather annoying. Because at the end of the day, it was Amy's choice, and she's not harmed anyone so far..

    It's up to her, or her family to deal with her, don't get involved in things that don't concern you, and don't talk about things that you know nothing about. You don't know that their was no reason for amy to take drugs in the first place.

  6. I like her records, but personally she is a disaster waiting to happen. If her family really cared for her they would have her committed and only released when they were sure she would no longer drink herself stupid or take drugs.  Her photo should be kept out of the papers, she is a bad role model for the younger generation

  7. I think she's walking death.

  8. I don't think of her really.  

  9. I think her talent is overrated and she needs to get out of the industry entirely and clean her life up before she kills herself. I think all her problems have gotten her more attention than she deserves.

  10. Great talent in music, downfall in her life. She really needs help

  11. I LOVE HER!

    best music, best personality (kind, funny, witty)

    i think she is just great, so unique and cool

    like no joke she is the coolest person ever.


    but i hate the drug abuse,

    i think she will get better though.

  12. I love her music, and the fact that unlike Lindsay Lohan and other stupid people, she doesn't try to hide her problems. Though it is a shame that she can't control her drinking, and that she uses drugs.

  13. what?? its a pocket! hahah i love her

  14. She is talented, but she really ****** up her life.  

  15. The music is great, i believe! But she is a puppet in music industry... the drugs she uses is for selling records or to newspapers, nothing more...

  16. She's a bit of an unclassy s***k

  17. 'They tried to make her go to rehab but she said no no no. Too bad she didn't know that she would turn into a ho ho ho'


  18. i feel really sorry for her

    i think that if the media just left her alone it would be so much easier for her to clean up her drugs problem

    in a way they're kind of provoking her to do it again because they always want pictures and interviews and they mob her and follow her around to try and get embarrassing pictures

    but that is in no way an excuse for what shes doing to herself or the way shes acting

    its really sad that she forgets the words to her own songs and stumbles around the stage uncomfortably but when she does mange to remember the words her voice and performances are absolutely breathtaking.

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