
What do you think of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's name choices for their newborn twins?

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I'm just curious. I think Vivienne Marchaline is pretty. Knox Leon though? Yuck in my opinion. And what's with all of the boys' names that end in x? We get in already. Does anyone else agree? Disagree?




  1. Lol I like the letter x!

    Vivienne is nice. Marchaline is very unique. Knox is a fort in NY I think ... And Leon? Jolie & Pitt kids, no wonder.

    It's better than Apple, Pilot Inspektor or Honor (other celebrity baby names)

    xox- Julie

  2. I thought Vivienne was pretty far out there for the Jolie-Pitt crew.

  3. Vivienne is such an elegant name and reminds me of Angelina Jolie herself. Marchaline is a combo of her mother's names. I'm not sure maybe Marsha and Lynn. I think it is a beautiful combination and is french sounding like Angelina's name. Knox was a name of a relative on Brad's side and of course it has the x.  Leon is french which fits with his sister's name.  I wonder if they will call him "Knockers" or "Knox in Sox"? I think Knox sounds a bit harsh, but oh well.

  4. Agree about Knox, I can't get used to that at all.

    Vivienne is alright, but does not match the other kids' names. Well, I guess they chose that for its meaning "alive", which is nice with the middle name Marcheline (her mother).

  5. knox it's strange...i think.It's STUPID



    Leon-i don't like it

  6. I agree - i love Vivienne. Knox is a gelatin. don't like it at all.

  7. i think they are really sad..i know some people like them but i really dislike the and as for the names all their kids names are pretty horrid to me..i don't pay any attention to "celebrities"though soo

  8. I don't really care.

  9. Personally, I think the names are a breath air after things like Honor and Apple and Reign Beau. Vivienne is classic and French...a tribute to where she was born. Marcheline is different and a nod to a relative, so that's always nice. Knox Leon is different in a good way. I like that all the guys' names end in X...I think it's cool. I'm pretty sure Knox is the maiden name of one of Pitt's grandmother's, to answer the question about where it came from. Plenty of people use maiden names for their sons.

  10. its cute

  11. Who cares, they're just people with kids. Did their kids act in a movie? No, they were just born to some random 3rd worldie, then they adobted it. Are they having one of their own? STILL DONT CARE!

    Care more about important things people, like the president taking our freedoms away cuz people are too distracted by branjolina to notice.

  12. i hate the name vivienne

    i quite like knox leon tho.

  13. i like Vivienne but not the middle name

    knox leon WTF it sound like KNOTTS BERRY FARM

  14. I'm sick of hearing about that entire family.

  15. I Disagree, I LOVE the Names Vivienne and Knox thank you very much! And I like Leon and Marchaline too!

  16. i don't mind the little girls name it is cute and after her grandma.

    i do not like any of their boys names anyway but this one is the worst!!! they say he is named after a grandfather knox was his middle name so what!!!! Leon is just Leon just putting a little mark over the name doesn't make this kid french!!! he is a white American child with a terrible name!!! poor kids!!!i would be a little less harsh if they were married instead of living in sin and being praised as the best parents on the planet!!!!they set a poor example actually and having kids out of wed lock is the mark of uncivilized peoples and nations ,it is flat out wrong and a sin no matter how much money you have or what you do for a living!!!facts are facts they are just rich little basT****.people should just stop buying into all the hype if people weren't buying all these dumb papers and overpriced magazines just to get a look at them and their brood they couldn't afford to live like royalty thinking they are so above everyone else!!!

  17. I love Maddox :) odd though...but could be catchy and is catching on.... I kinda like..but not for me. I love the girls name.

  18. i hate them

  19. I think I am more concerned with my own childrens names.  I could care less about the names of celeb kids.

  20. Well, all their kids names are weird. There's:

    Maddox 6 (adopted)

    Pax 4 (adopted)

    Zahara 3 (adopted)

    Shiloh 2 (bio)

    Knox Leon & Vivianne Marcheline newborn

    The new babies names seem to fit right in! I like the names Maddox, Shiloh, and Vivianne. And, yeah, Knox Leon, yuck. [though Leon isn't so bad]. Vivianne Marcheline is pretty. And, also, Vivianne's middle name Marcheline is thought to be after Angelina's mother, who I belive died of cancer a couple years ago.

  21. I dont really care.  Vivenne isn't too bad, but the rest of it is ugh.  I cannot stand Brad and Angelina.  All those kids they have, poor things probably dont get teh attention from their parents.  They are probably surrounded by nannies constantly.  I think Brad and Ang like the idea of being pregnant and having a huge family, but now is not the time for them.  They just both rub me the wrong way

  22. Jolie and Pitt want all the attention they can get.

    They are very selfish and self-centered.  They are using their children to get some of that attention.

    After all, she is a w***e and he is extremely narcissistic.

  23. knox leon is weird

  24. I agree.  I just wonder if these kids will smile.  I've never seen their other kids smile.

  25. Vivienne Marchaline is pretty. Marchaline is after Jolie's mom, which is very nice.

    But is Knox even a real name? I think that just made it up to go with PaX and MaddoX.

  26. I really like Vivienne Marchaline, but don't care for Knox Leon at all.

  27. only famous people would get away with naming someone Knox Leon... the kid is still going to get picked on by other rich kids at school. lol

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