
What do you think of Ayaan Hirsi Ali?

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Do her thoughts and teachings make her a "bad muslim"?




  1. Honestly...I feel very sorry for her. Her loss. Poor lady is misguided.

  2. It's not my place to judge. Allah subhana watagla will deal with her on the day of Judgement.

    But Islam is the true religion, if you for some reason decided to leave the religion, it's best not to even live, because there is no LIFE with out ISLAM!

  3. she is no longer muslim but an atheist and apostate. unfortunately she associates what happened to her with islaam,when in fact it was tribal.

    she is a misguided soul all together. a person who doesn't have the capacity/knowledge to understand the difference between religious practices and tribal practices. if she learnt islaam for herself then she would know the truth. i don't think much a/b people like her i make dua for them.

  4. I don't.  

  5. I think she is a r****d Kaffir, and she will get whats comming to her in this life and definately in the next.

    Oh and thank you for putting the neanderthals back a couple hundred years with your stupid questions.

  6. IGNORANT of Islam.;...

  7. She is not a 'bad muslim', she is not Muslim at all.  One should kind of feel sorry for her.  She has a horrible life growing up and never got over it.  She has a lying father, that is where she learned it. lol

  8. No

  9. Even I haven't left Islam...even though I have.

  10. she isn't a muslim , she is kaffirah

    didn't u see her debate with Tarik Ramadan?!! she was like a 4 years old girl trying to prove some thing but she lose the debate .

  11. SHE IS MY HERO!!!

    She is the most incredibly brave and intelligent woman who ever lived!!!

    How dare anybody threaten her life. She has every right to speak up about the injustices & evils of Islam, she grew up & lived through it herself:

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali immigrant who served in the parliament of the Netherlands, is the author of "Infidel," an autobiography. Muhammad, according to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, was a sexual pervert and a political-military tyrant. Born in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1969, Ayaan Hirsi Ali was scheduled by her father to marry a cousin when she sought asylum in Holland. There she eventually entered politics with the VVD, People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy. The following year she wrote the script for a short film called Submission, a film which contained scenes of abused women with Quranic verses written on their bodies. The film’s director, Theo Van Gogh, was later murdered by an outraged Muslim, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali went into hiding. Islam, according to Ali, is irretrievably evil. It has not been “hijacked” by fanatics, but the fanaticism it excites in some is intrinsic in the religion itself: Islam, even Islam in its non-violent form, is dangerous.

    The key problem in Islam, she says, is that Muslims are instructed to follow the example of Muhammad, but that in a modern society Muhammad’s example is a terrible, unacceptable one.

    Her identification as a Muslim suffered a strong blow after 9/11. After listening to videotapes of Osama bin Laden citing "words of justification" in the Qu'ran for the attacks, she writes, "I picked up the Quran and the hadith and started looking through them, to check. I hated to do it, because I knew that I would find Bin Laden's quotations in there." She decided that, despite her upbringing, she had to regard the Quran as relative—it was a historical record and "just another book". The final blow to her faith was her reading of The Atheist Manifesto (Atheistisch Manifest) of Leiden philosopher Herman Philipse. She renounced Islam and became an atheist in 2002.

    During this period, she began to formulate her critique of Islam and Islamic culture, published many news articles, and became a frequent speaker on television news programs and public debate forums. She wrote up her ideas in a book entitled De Zoontjesfabriek (The Son Factory). It was at this time that she first began to receive death threats.

    In January 2006, Hirsi Ali used her acceptance speech for the Reader's Digest "European of the Year" award to urge action to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and to say that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad must be taken at his word in wanting to organize a conference to investigate objective evidence of the Holocaust. "Before I came to Europe, I'd never heard of the Holocaust. That is the case with millions of people in the Middle East. Such a conference should be able to convince many people away from their denial of the genocide against the Jews." She also said that "so-called Western values" of freedom and justice are universal; that Europe has done far better than most areas of the world at providing justice, because it has guaranteed the freedom of thought and debate that are required for critical self-examination; and that communities cannot reform themselves unless "scrupulous investigation of every former and current doctrine is possible."

    Isn't Ayaan just incredible?? How would you handle it if you were her, doing what she is doing. All those who insult her should think about that & listen to what she has to say. Give her some d**n RESPECT!!!

  12. من بدّل دينه فاقتلوه

    "Whoever changes his religion, kill him". (Bukhari)

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