
What do you think of Barack Obama? (A question for Americans)?

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What do you think of Barack Obama? (A question for Americans)?




  1. I believe he is a clear and present danger to our way of life------his batting average in the senate has been miserable and he is the grand puppet of the media mogul George Soros------'nuff said.

  2. I think he is intelligent and a good man for our economy. What you must remember is nothing comes easy in this world and war is something that is forced upon us at different times and Obama is not the guy to have leading this. He's a "hippie", you can't be a victim of anything you gotta stay on your toes and intimidate anyone who tries to threaten us. Obama is not a man I want providing military orders end of story.

  3. He would not be effective as President because the Washington insiders would control him massively.

  4. He sucks!

    Menna...I am not a Republican! What makes you have such assumptions, that only Republicans think negatively about him?? Plus, we are not supposed to be electing someone based on race, and the "change" that he offers is bad change, not good.

  5. He's a very Junior Senator from a State and County known for its political machine in getting Democrats elected. He is a graduate of one of the most prestigious law schools in the U.S. (Harvard) and lives in the most politically socialist neighborhood in Chicago (Hyde Park). For 20 years he was a  member of a church guaranteed to gain him connections through networking in the more affluent segment of the African-American community in Chicago, yet says he did not agree with the preachings of that church's pastor. He has never introduced a piece of major legislation in the U.S. Senate and (more importantly) has never cast a recorded vote against the wishes of his Senate Leader or Whip.

    In short, he is a political hack. A well-dressed and well-spoken one. But, a political hack nonetheless.

  6. I think Obama Would be happier in communist Russia than in a free nation ruled by capitalism and hard work. I would rather have Paris Hilton, Britney spears or Hillary Duff"s dog in white house than Obama. (no i do not like MCcain) vote Bob Barr

  7. sarah w. is intitled to her opinion but she is obviously a Republican... it really is time for change in America plus Barack will be making history as our FIRST African-American presidant. If we want want the rest of our world's trust back, that's what we have to do.

  8. Politics as usual, with the race card making him almost immune to criticism.

    I've got a gut feeling that he's got a handler somewhere that's been running the show from behind the scenes, but that Obama is trying to assert himself.  Problem is, as his comments away from the teleprompter show, he's not really prepared for national politics.

  9. I believe he is a self-centered, conceited, egotistical liar who should not be president of the USA. His political opinions will cause America further distress and may cause us to become a second rate power.

  10. I think Barack Obama has the skills and intelligence to be the new president of America. Hopefully, he doesn't have the guts to be corrupt.

  11. He's a far left idealist who is very young and charismatic. He wants to provide welfare for people unwilling to work and will ensure that socialism gets a good start in the United States

  12. I would rather not think of Obama as anything other than unemployed.

    He's just another Jimmy Carter. Useless.

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