
What do you think of Barrack Obama after his big speech ?

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What do you think of Barrack Obama after his big speech ?




  1. Same as before probably worse and he will not get my vote.

  2. Barrack obama did something more than establish his leadership credentials while accepting the Democratic party's nomination for the 2008 presidential election at Denver.  He offered a powerful reminder that governments should cater to the mass of the people and not the privileged few.  such an eloquent affirmation of the firtues of liberalism, in domestic as well as international affairs, wa badly needed in a world that has been dominated and mangled by the forces of conservativism for the last two or three decades.  in pointing to the need for individual responsibility, mr. obama distanced himself from excessive liberalism.  But, he also asserted unequivocally that the responsibility citizens bear towards one another could be fulfilled only when govt stepped in to perform the tasks individuals could not do for themselves.  

    With the clinton couple rising to the occasion by powerfully endorsing their party's candidate, Mr.obama  has a fair chance of connecting to white blue collar workers who have so far been largely immune to his charms.  It was a poignantly historic moment when an african-american became a major party nominee exactly 45 years after martin luther king delivered  '' i have a dream '' , one of history's great orations.

    It was an excellent event and his big speech attracted the world.  The young senator worth for all qualities.

  3. i think hes the right man to bring the country together, and he showed that McCain is another Bush clone.

    i still cannot comprehend how people actually still support bush and his clones when all theyve done is start an endless war and almost cause another depression....

  4. Exactly what I thought before it. He is not the man for the job.

  5. He is the man, america must change, "the american dream" is just an empty word right now, you can see it!

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