
What do you think of Billary ?

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What do you think of Billary ?




  1. If she/they get into the White House, I'm moving to Austrailia cause America sure won't be safe anymore.

  2. ...are you talking about the "carpetbagger" Senator from NY, who knows about NY as much as Pee Wee Herman...?   Is this the "wench" wife of former President "drop-his-pants" who was impeached by Congress for lying on Dec. 18 1998 ?

    Are you talking about the current "Dummycratic" candidate who, "if" elected is going to raise our Tax's back to the way the Roman Empire taxed it's slave-held citizens...  The "mommy fix" candidate who want to return socialism to America...?  The person who refuses to disclose her financial documents because she's afraid that "we" will be shocked...? The woman who has had to give back more campaign money then every candidate "combined" because the funds were illegally obtained...?   Is this the one...?   How is she going to face Al Qeada when she's terrified to face O'reilly ?

  3. It has a name now!  AWESOME!!!  

    I loved the whole Bennifer phenomenon...

    Billary is catchy.  I like it.  "Billary, '08".  That would make an awesome bumber sticker.

  4. I think their a bunch of Hill-Billies.


  5. If truth full about health and social welfare fine with me.  And I support women too in having time to take part in the decision making.....


  7. I am scared to death that she will get in and give away even more of America's severity and will continue to whittle away our rights to the point that we will be living in a police state, my great-grandparents came here to escape the n***s and are rolling over in their graves!

  8. She's just another American joke!

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