
What do you think of Boris Johnson's idea of introducing routemaster buses and protecting cyclists?

by Guest66890  |  earlier

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Having just watched him for 4 1/2 mins, he wants to put police on buses in order to reduce intimidation and violence, sounds okay.

Views on Boris's idea about the buses please, is it cost effective and a safety iniative worth consideration, or another hollow promise?




  1. I don't think there is a need for police escorts on all buses in central london. I think specific services require some thought and perhaps a police figure would improve the safety and well-being of other innocent passengers. I think they need officers on the tube as well, I frequently get hassle on the piccadilly line. Theives picking on tourists and I get caught up in the s**t. Bring in Boris is what I say.

  2. I didn't see that, but all these little offerings at election time I don't take too seriously. The mayoral debates are more effective than promises when choosing a candidate.

  3. He'd be a lot better than Ken and his NuLab nutters !

  4. Another politician on the make, he will have another `magical` initiative in a day or two.

  5. Good ideas.

  6. Protecting cyclists? Pedestrians are in need of protection from cyclists. You watch out for cars crossing a road and then a cyclist speeds into you, swearing its head off.  

    Re:buses- Routemasters would be an anachronism - the current envirobuses are OK. Empowering drivers (making sure they can speak English, for one) would be wiser than involving police.

  7. Good plan, but it seems to be the only strategy he is able to discuss. This plan alone won't do much in my opinion. What about the rest of the crime problem in London?

    I was watching the mayoral debate and, much as I like Boris, he has no idea of the expenses or the figures involved; he has said himself in the past that he dislikes policy making in general and that he's hopeless with calculating and breaking down costs. I like the man but he's clueless. I nearly died laughing when he told Ken Livingstone to try and bargain witrh the RUC; he hasn't a clue. .London needs someone who knows the score.

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