
What do you think of Boris Johnson?

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Some hate him and others like him, personally l like him he's different and he has a way of gluing you to the tv just waiting for a mistake, OK he needs some dress sense but l think he's OK




  1. Before he came to power I thought legend, baffoon, sticking 2 fingers up and making that change we all so desparately needed from the Leftie cartals and closed doors.

    Presently? I think he is more a baffoon & has down little to 'rock the boat' he promised to do. Where's the scrapping of the congestion charge?, where's the beating the chav's up in the streets or sending them to the army?, where's the conservative blue bus lanes?

  2. He's a trolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll...

  3. If I answered that I would get deleted.

  4. funny as f*ck, I love watching him on telly, did you see him playing football, hilarious.

  5. Thoroughly bloody nice chap.

  6. I think he's great, maybe he should be appointed prime minister. He's a breathe of fresh air from the normal stuck up old men we've been stuck with. And he is hilarious, i love watching him on tv and thinkhe'll do this country proud :-D

  7. He is great. He makes mistakes but they seem honest goof ups not premeditated nastiness. Very clever man too, should be more like him in politics.

  8. Who is that?

  9. A breath of fresh air!! As long as he's got good staff and kicks *** when necessary, he'll be fine.

  10. i think the guy's an idiot!! what is that hair all about?!  

  11. He's great.

  12. I try to NOT think of Boris Johnson.

  13. He's great.  Isn't it wonderful that so many conservative mavericks are in power instead of leftist socialists?

  14. as a fella he seems quite funny, but as a politicain he's a tory which only makes him slightly better than labour

  15. a gorm

  16. He's doing well I thought.  

  17. BLONDE

  18. hes entertaining


    would you trust a man who cant even be trusted by his wife?

    i wouldnt

  19. I like him for his character.  But make no mistake about it, the guy is very clever and underneath the bumbling public schoolboy act, he is just another politician albeit a very entertaining one.

  20. hes a cnut.

  21. He's a breath of fresh air. He may be quaint (not g*y you american cousin) but he is brighter than the average politician we usually have to put up with.

  22. I don't know about g*y as one answerer thinks he is but the man is pompous and makes a great show of being a buffoon. I would not take him at face value he is a lot more intelligent than his detractors and possibly fairly honest.

    His ritual humiliation in Liverpool by Michael Howard said more about M. Howard than Boris

  23. i think he's ugly.  

  24. Personally I try not to think of him at all!

    He seems to be deliberately controversial and that makes him stand out from the crowd. I certainly don't trust him as a politician.

  25. I'm American but since I know he's g*y I admire him. he has balls. XD

    btw, i'm straight.

  26. he is pretty amusing. i kinda like him so far.

    seems more human than most people like him.

  27. We might expect that comment from that simpleton Apple Pie American idiot.

    He requires a lesson in the English language for then he would not resort to using the American abbreviation g*y instead of the correct term homosexual.

    The fool also wants to get his facts right before issuing libellous statements against Boris for there is no straighter character than Mr Johnson, far better than his slimy predecessor Livingstone who sold his principles by rejoining New Labour following expulsion from that rabble who purport to be socialists.

  28. He's a complete and utter nob at times and looks like he's been dragged through a hedge BUUTTTT it's kind of....funny?  

  29. hes lovely. hes got a good personality and hes different from the boring run of the mill politicians we have to tolerate. i like his dress sense and his hair is amazing. he will make an excellent job of being mayor of london.

  30. I think he is a breath of fresh air. The very fact that after such a splendid display by China at the olympics he is realistic that we cannot possibly match the amount they spent and he will stay within the budget rather than expect the tax payer to cough up more.The media love his hair his clothes his buffoon like ways.What else can they possible say? He appears very approachable and not scared of the press. Give him a chance he has only been in the post for five minutes and I have a gut feeling he will come up with a few Surprises

  31. He's a joke, as far as I'm concerned. More game show host than politician, which seems to be the trend these days.  

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