
What do you think of Bose surround system?

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I know they are expensive but is it worth the price?




  1. They are terrible!

  2. They are considered rather poor quality, but a great business success.  Selling plastic cubes with 1 over-sized tweeter, but prices starting about $1,000 - tons of profit.

    Try this: do a internet search for a Magazine that has reviewed the Bose speakers.

    Go ahead, well wait..


    Did not find any - right?  This is because Bose has lawyers who sue any magazine that tries to review their speakers.

    Does this sound like a quality speaker company to you?

  3. I like Bose because it is a really good quality product.  At first I was hesitant to buy it because it was expensive.  But trust me once you hear it you will be blown away.  

    You can get the same sound from a bigger system for a lot cheaper. But the idea behind bose is the ease of use and small size of their products.

  4. Well, I say just buy what you want dude.

    I can't really tell you what and what doesn't sound good because everyone's "good" could be different.

    But go to the store, take a listen, and if you think it sounds "good" then get it...

  5. I hate their surround sound systems.  The way they connect up is so backwards. Not to mention, the technology is outdated.  I saw a newer Bose system at someones house, the kind that has the DVD player and the receiver as one unit.  The unit itself didn't have even something as simple as component video outputs.  That's absolutely ridiculous today.  Also, it had 2 optical ports, in in and one out, and neither was functional.  Terrible design, after seeing that, I will not buy a bose HTS.

  6. Bose has only one real advantage. They get the most sound for the least ammount of space. There are systems out there that will sound just as good except they're bigger and cost a LOT less than Bose. One disadvantage: unless they changed their speakers, placement is everything because they actually are designed to use the wall behind them to sound their best.

  7. VERY poor value for money and never rate highly in any reviews, steer well clear!

  8. Boldly




    I strongly suggest viewing this link to find out why the Bose brand isn't worth the money they're asking.  Click right here:

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