
What do you think of Bush coming to Thailand?

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My take is that his wife Laura was involved in the death of a classmate when she was 17 and since then she has been the steel in the spine ofr George making him the man he is today. Bush is a s****t who secretly enjoys killing people. Bush signed the execution warrants for more death row inmates than any other Governor in the history of Texas, averaging a death every nine days. 4200 soldiers, millions of Iraqis. 33 detainees at Guantanamo. How can he go to China and talk about Human rights?

The Bushes are surrounded by murder and death. Thailand should call them what they are the worst Human Rights Violators since Slobodan Milošević and ask them to stay away but they won't because there too polite.




  1. Yeah, Thailand needs more comedian.

  2. i dont care as it wont affect me in any way. bush will probably have so much security so i wont be able to get out my rotten vegetables anyway.  

  3. A hugh waste of money for security, expensive dinners/trips etc. IF I'd rather see the next President over here.

  4. It's not like he is going to sit on a beach Pattaya, it's a state visit!  Heads of state from all countries often visit other countries to commemorate various events or to attend conferences.

    This visit will celebrate 175 years of bi-lateral relations with Thailand.  This stop is en route to Beijing for the opening of the Olympics.

    Traffic in some areas may be affected but probably no worse than when the King's convoy passes by.

    A temporary, minor inconvenience.

  5. It would just be another day for a worker like me. Whether he'll come or not, my salary would still be the same. Life goes on.

  6. As long as he has a passport, I doesn't matter to me.  But Bangkok will become a nightmare for traffic where every he goes.

  7. He's a lame duck. It's meaningless.  

  8. I don't it matters much what I think. He'll be coming or not, whether I like it or not. Probably nice for the politicians, I guess.  

  9. He's a buffoon no matter where he goes!

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