
What do you think of DEI appealing the Daytona penalty?

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  1. I think that I have to agree with "Run Martin Run"  that sure is gonna put a damper on the contract negotations wont it?

  2. i think i hate dei but gota admit it was smart cause now they get this week to have the crew cheif for the race and the next week cause it's an off week to try and get set up and make a plan (im not talking about cars they cant go to the tracks)

  3. I think they probably will lose, but who knows...

    The only one that I know of that has gained anything from appealing is Robby.

  4. I say RUN, Martin, RUN!

    They have the exact same templates at the DEI shop where the car is made as NASCAR uses to inspect the car. It might not have fully come across on camera, but I assure you that Truex was P*SSED that someone would even try to pull a stunt like that. I agree with what was previously stated that the "appeal" is nothing more than a stunt to buy time and formulate a game plan.

    This is why I say RUN, Martin. DEI is like the Titanic - once magnificent but now just an old relic about to rot into nothingness.

  5. Their intentions are what bothers me. They broke the rules and they know it. But instead of being stand up, they're using a loop hole to buy time to formulate a plan on what to do during the suspension. Maybe they should have thought about that before they broke the rules. They have a copy of NASCAR's templates in their shop and they knew they were pushing the envelope. Just because you can take advantage of someone or something doesn't make it right to do so. Criminals go to jail before their appeal is heard, don't they? How about saying "Ya we screwed up." and accepting the consequences with some dignity? Great example for our young people. I can't believe I used to respect and defend Teresa.

  6. Do they EVER get over turned?

    Sadly, I think it's a waste of time..

  7. DEI can appeal it, but the folks at the shop knew or should have known that the car wasn't within the templates. As such, I would be shocked if the penalties don't stand, as the fault is within the shop with building the car outside specifications, not externally as was the case with Robby Gordon.

  8. I think the outcome looks pretty bleak for them. Even if what they say is true, and there was some mix-up in the construction of the car. Bottom line Nascar has made no bones about their stance on the new car. Show up with a car that doesn't fit, or they don't like, and you get the hammer.

  9. other than in a situation like robby gordon's problems at daytona, which really did seem to be more of a clerical error by the manufacturer than anything else, i find it hard to believe it will be overturned, or even modified.  

    i think they probably feel the need to at least try to appeal - they definitely can't get it overturned if they don't even try. yeah it costs them some money, but not nearly as much as they have already lost with the penalties. as was stated on nascar now earlier this week, the money penalties are nothing in the long run, but those points are VALUABLE.  so, they might as well try...

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