
What do you think of Darling's tax giveaway ?

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What do you think of Darling's tax giveaway ?




  1. there is a local by-election coming up soon in crewe and is a ploy.but i think voters will see through this.labour are doomed.

  2. What give away I am 65 and am not mentioned in his rhetoric. I have a private pension which I saved 30 years for and a state pension, between them I was given a £20 a month raise in April 08 and my tax has been raised by £30. So much for a caring government.

  3. It smacks of desperate measures.

  4. I suppose he will shove another couple of pence on a litre of petrol that should clear his debt.

  5. I don't think a great deal of it. I see it as a panic move by the government, they realise the damage that the 10p affair did to their image. In my opinion it is an insult to the intelligence of the electorate, the government think that they can curry favour with such cheap tricks. If this concession is made now, we will pay it back threefold with "stealth taxes"

  6. Who is paying for the giveaway for it will have to come out of tax reveue.

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