
What do you think of Derek Lowe having a higher batting average than Andruw Jones?

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As of 8/15/08, these are their stats:

Lowe: .170 AVG, 5 RBIs

Jones: .161 AVG, 14 RBIs

Manny Ramirez and Rafael Furcal both have more RBIs than Andruw Jones, and Andruw has played in more than twice the amount of games Furcal has nearly 6 times as many times as Manny!

What do you make of this lameness?





  2. Lmao. You should learn your stuff. You mean Andruw has played in 6x Dodger games. And why should I be surprised. Dodger fans deserve this for their [profane] for wasting money on a fat player who cant run or hit

  3. Jones was a bad signing to begin with... coming off a very very low BA season... there had to be something wrong with him... it will come out after the season is over.. even though part of the problem has already been talked about.  Furcal has been out HURT for months now... and still has more RBIs? yeah... very pathetic.  

    I wonder how the dodgers will be able to Keep Manny next year.  Surely can't trade off Jones... he's just excess baggage.  If he even helps in the last 2 months... it will be little too late. How strong would this dodger team be if JOnes was really the ANDRUW JONES we signed from 2-3 seasons ago... and Furcal still leading the lineup.  Just amazing... with guys like KEmp and Ethier still hanging tough and can't forget Martin... these guys were suppose to be contender... almost look like pretenders.  

  4. I think it's awesome...I always disliked Andrew Jones....

  5. awww geez!! that's horribly embarrassing!!! >.<

  6. it is amazing jones stinks and will be traded or released

  7. i think thats pretty sad:)

  8. It's sad but no surprise he has had a HORRIBLE YEAR

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