
What do you think of Domestic Discipline with the WOMAN in charge?

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We get all kinds of questions around here about Domestic Discipline, which usually has the man in charge. But what do you think about reverse roles? Ladies, would you like to spank your man to keep him in line? Men, would you submit to a spanking if you knew it was for your own good?

Google "Disciplinary Wives Club" for more info. (I can't post the link because it's considered an adult site and goes against Y!A regulations.)




  1. You are right: More women should take the lead and be in charge in the marriage or relationship, with their men lovingly supporting it.

    My wife is wearing the pants in our marriage. We are very happy with role reversal. I am doing most of the housework, and she is making all major decisions. Sometimes I think she could even be more demanding, being in charge like in a family in the fifties, only the other way round.

    However, we are not into BDSM. I would well accept a spanking from time to time ( I could not but...) if she it was for my own good and she thought it would be necessary to enforce her authority, but normally I submit to her guidance without domestic violence.

  2. My husband and I have proved that what works best is an equal partnership.  I hate those old episodes of I Love Lucy where Ricky is giving her a spanking.  Ick.  And I would hate just as much, if the roles were reversed.  Sorry, this sounds like idiocy.  

  3. I think it's another way to say S&M. And I'm not into that. I am into looking things up though. :)

  4. I think the whole thing is weird regardless of who is in charge. I think people who do it "for real" instead of just as a sexual thing have some unresolved issues from their childhood, if I'm being honest. I don't want my husband disciplining me as if I'm his child and not his equal. And I don't want to discipline him as if he's just another one of my children.

  5. I think it is absolutely repulsive and sickening.

  6. Well, this is your fetish and has nothing to do with MY own good . It is  the  (respectable) satisfaction of your and your partners fantasies.

    Personally we prefer a kind and non violent relationship.

    We believe spanking or any form of violence, even "for good" should be avoided with our child too.

    If you play a game, play your game  and be happy if your partner really likes and freely accept it.

    Meanwhile, please don't define violence as  "domestic discipline" and " for  your own good " on a public forum , when hundred of thousand people die every year for domestic violence.

  7. Haven't seen any questions on that topic.

    In general, violence is abhorant, whoever is the perpetrator. But if you're talking about mutally-acceptable, uh, recreational activities, then, whatever floats people's boat, as it were.

    Such spanking is NOT about "keeping [who ever] in line" but is something else entirely. That part is just part of the, game.

    No, I wouldn't either hit, or be hit. As a civilized and non-kinky human being, I'm not into violence or sexual humiliation.

    But thanks for asking....

  8. Haha, I'm alllll for it! Turn the tables for once!

  9. This is an original idea?

    No.  Its called BDSM.  

    Consenting adults involved in a transaction.  All participants know this is a fantasy.  The consumer buys a service, and that service is the facilitation of a fantasy.  Its all centered on s*x, plain and simple.  If a couple are into this as a bedroom role-playing thing, no harm done.  Its a fantasy, and they are actors in their own mutual fantasy.

    However, I am TOTALLY against violence of ANY kind (aside from the service described above).   There is no need to be beating adults, children, or animals.  You NEVER hit, ever.  There is no excuse for it; this behavior is totally unacceptable in a civilized society.  Don't start the violence and you will have no difficulty ending it.

    Tracey summed it up nicely.

  10. This is a great question!!!!!

    I am a woman that is up for anything.  I am also a woman that loves to dominate a situation.  I wouldn't mind one bit turning my man over my knee and reminding him of the rules in our house.  With that said, I don't think he would take it all that well.  He would probably argue that I take it well enough for the both of us.  Thank you for this question, I think I will google the club.

  11. Isn't the domestic discipline lifestyle just church sanctioned BDSM? Why does everyone think it's kinky when it's turnned around. Women have a lot of power and control in realtionships these days. I would think as many men are subject to some form of discipline as women these days.

    Nowadays a lot of guys are failing to take on adult responsibility and they rely on women to control and manage their lives. Is it any wonder that they end up getting treated like children sometimes?

    In ten years I'm sure more men will be disciplined by their wives than vice- versa. That is just the way society is headed. I don't understand why so many people are in denial about this.

    Good question!

  12. Approach me in violence - be prepared to acknowldege fear. Not mine.

    What Im not biased - I dont care who you are, attack me - expect me to defend. Its amazing what you can do when you lock someones limbs up on the floor and make cunny use of your pinky to deliver agony.

  13. LOL wouldn't that be something!  I think that no matter how excited a man may get when he thinks about how he would like to get his "spanking"  they will never ever admit to it!  After all, that would not be the macho thing to do now would it?  LOL  =P

  14. Woman in charge of what? Only one person can discipline me and that's my mother.  I refuse to marry my mother as well.  Men and women aren't dogs who you have to "break" by disciplining them not to do things with spankings, especially grown *** men and women.  

    I disapprove of Domestic Discipline for adults.

  15. on the husband was cruel to me till circumstances changed my life it is his turn to clean up his act and not being cruel it is taking a long time.  i do not want to be the man, my husband is deteriorating everyday he keeps justifying his own actions rather thatn looking to Scripture for guidance.  i dont want to be the man but i am the one working and i am just about at the end of my rope.  i am no longer a popular person, but when i talk people take me seriously.  but i don't care to have people care what my opinion is, just take my example and sh** or get off thepot

  16. He has to be willing to submit to it or it's domestic violence. If he does submit then he would do as he's told and he would not need to be spanked. In a BDSM relationship spankings are used to remind or re-enforce the sub of his place. Spanking are also for the tops enjoyment too. In a BDSM relationship a sub gives of himself to his top's enjoyment and recieves joy from her enjoyment.

  17. I'm not into sadomasochism.

  18. kinky

  19. every dynamic to every relationship is different. I bet I'd think twice about stopping by the bar on the way home if I was with a gal like that.

  20. well i do like the female cop,

    so yes it would be hot, i would be up for it

    i like switching roles, i get pleasure not being in charge and also being in charge

  21. Either form of Domestic Discipline is fine if both partners agree to it. I think the most fair and equitable arrangement is for man and woman to correct the partner's faults when necessary, or to pretend to do so if it's a more "kinky" thing.

    To answer your question, I would not mind spanking my husband, and I have no doubt that he deserves it from time to time.

  22. It apparently works for some couples.  The DD groups I belong to all have a few couples where the woman is HOH.  However, the idea is personally unappealing to me because my own inclinations are firmly in the other direction.

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