
What do you think of Erich Hartmann??

by  |  earlier

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the pilot not the photographer




  1. Never met the guy, but from what ive read, the guy was one helluva pilot back in the day.

    Of course ill always maintain that if he hadn't been killed early on, Werner "Vati" Mölders would have been an unholy terror of European skies and probably would have claimed well over 400 kills even before the war ended.

  2. Met the man, many years ago.  A typical fighter pilot, but at least when I was talking to him very humble about his achievements.  He's pretty much the guy every fighter pilot wants to be.

  3. Eric Cartman !!!!!??????????????

  4. I think that he was great. The most important thing to note about him was that he was smart. His fighting style and great success (not to mention survival) underscore a truth about warfare. Any enemy you sneak up on is easy to kill. Sneaking around and running whenever you don't have an absolute advantage are not wrong or cowardly, they're effective. He fought like an assasin, not a knight. He said most of the pilots he shot down never saw him coming. He would dive onto a target and shoot them at very close range. If the enemy turned and engaged, he'd use the speed he'd built up to run away. If an enemy pilot indicated that they had seen him, he'd turn and leave without even taking a shot. Some call that cowardly, but he did more damage to his enemies than any equally skilled pilot who would rush into an engagement and get himself killed early. These tactics made him the highest scoring ace of all time. He will almost certainly never be overtaken in scoring. I have a great respect for such a dangerous pilot.

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